Cool Link Columbus City Schools Covid Tracker

Columbus City Schools Covid tracker

With the Omicron variant running rampant, Columbus schools are facing significant absences from both students and staff. Keep track of this data with this hand link, which ranks the best and worst schools for absences, shows how many cases are being reported, quarantine data and more.

Columbus Schools Covid Tracker

Uncool Links of the Day: Ohio Covid-19 Information

Ohio Covid-19 Information

In this global crisis, there’s a ton of sites out there to monitor the situation. Here are some of the ones I think are most useful for Ohio Covid-19 information.

The Ohio Department of Health counts for Ohioans tested and those that have come back negative and positive. It is only updated once a day at 2pm, however.

The Reddit r/Coronavirus is a constant source of new information, not only in the US, but globally.

This is the best global case counter I know of. The World Meters site seemingly updates live, and has a running total of every single confirmed case by nation and territory, as well as the numbers of recovered, active cases and deaths. All the numbers are sourced at the bottom of the page.

Here’s a link the CDC, which does a daily update on the situation.

This is another map site, with information on testing numbers and positives near a given location.!/

Here is a link to employment information related to the virus’ effects.