Population and Demographic Studies

Population and demographic studies Columbus, Ohio

Columbus’ population has been in a state of change throughout its history, not just from a position of totals, but also diversity. This page provides an archive of local area population and demographic studies completed over the years, all providing snapshots of how the area’s population makeup has been transformed. The studies are in PDF format and are listed in chronological order.

**Last Updated: 1/6/2024- Added to 1980-1989.


Demographic Abstract for Franklin County Ohio Townships and Places, 1990 Edition


Franklin County Community Profile

Changes in General Census Characteristics of Franklin County and the City of Columbus

Columbus Development Strategy Growth Potential 1983

Population Study Franklin County 1900-1980


Housing and Population Density in Columbus

Population and demographic studies aren’t the only way to view regional statistics. All local population data, along with maps down to the neighborhood level, can be found here. And if you have an account, the Columbus Metropolitan Library system is a great source for all kinds of historic documents.