Mt. Calvary Cemetery

Mt. Calvary Cemetery Columbus, Ohio

Mt. Calvary Cemetery is a Catholic cemetery just northeast of Green Lawn. Once on the east side of Mt. Calvary Avenue, it was moved to the opposite side to its present location in 1874.

581 Mt. Calvary Avenue
Years in Use

Timeline of Events
The timeline includes general history, reports, mentions in media and more

The cemetery is established after land is purchased by the Catholics of Columbus for $3,000. The original site is located east of “Harrisburg Pike”.

More land is purchased to expand the cemetery site.

The cemetery is formally dedicated and opened to interments.

More land is purchased to expand the cemetery site.

The present-day cemetery is dedicated. About 1,400 graves existed on the opposite side of what is now Mt. Cavalry Avenue, and these graves are moved to the present cemetery.