The Random Columbus Photos 2 edition looks at one of the most infamous building complexes that had ever existed in the city.
Photo Date: Unknown, Pre-1910 Location: The southeastern corner watchtower of the Ohio Penitentiary site. The old Ohio Penitentiary first opened up in 1834. The Civil-War-era building that fronted Spring Street was easily the most iconic. It can be seen in the background of the photo as the lighter building. The Ohio Pen had an interesting, and occasionally disastrous, life. On April 21, 1930, a massive fire broke out that would kill 322 inmates and become the worst prison fire in United State history. Despite the fire, the prison’s population would continue to grow. At its peak in 1955, the prison held over 5,200 inmates- and singlehandedly provided a large population boost to Downtown. The following year, Ohio began transferring inmates to more modern facilities. The move took nearly 30 years. Ohio moved the last inmates in 1984 and then permanently closed the prison. After the closure, the abandoned prison deteriorated quickly. Due to a lack of state maintenance, a portion of the outer wall collapsed onto some cars in 1996, and the city began to aggressively plan a new life for the site. In 1998, despite some protests to save some of the historic buildings, the city demolished the entire complex to make way for the planned Arena District. Today, the only reminder of the prison site is that the eastern edge of McPherson Commons park runs along the same line as the original outer wall.
December ended a 2-month decline in home sales for the area, with overall sales up 2.5% according to the Housing Market Update December 2013 data from Columbus Realtors.
Here are the stats for the 21 major areas of Franklin County that I look at housing stats for.
Top 10 December 2013 Sales Increases over December 2012 1. Minerva Park: +200.0% 2. Obetz: +200.0% 3. Reynoldsburg: +72.7% 4. Clintonville: +55.6% 5. Gahanna: +55.0% 6. Pataskala: +27.3% 7. Dublin: +15.4% 8. German Village: +10.0% 9. Worthington: +6.3% 10. Columbus: +3.8%
Top 10 Year-to-Date Sales Through December 2013 1. Columbus: 10,267 2. Dublin: 797 3. Upper Arlington: 719 4. Clintonville: 701 5. Westerville: 630 6. Grove City: 609 7. Hilliard: 556 8. Gahanna: 526 9. Reynoldsburg: 505 10. Pickerington: 312
Top 10 Year-to-Date Increases Through December 2013 Over 2012 1. Minerva Park: +51.9% 2. Gahanna: +31.8% 3. Pataskala: +31.0% 4. Reynoldsburg: +30.8% 5. Whitehall: +27.3% 6. Clintonville: +26.3% 7. Hilliard: +23.6% 8. Whitehall: +23.4% 9. Westerville: +21.9% 10. Bexley: +21.5%
Average Sales December 2013 Urban: 74.5 Suburban: 28.2 Urban without Columbus: 14.7
Average % Change December 2013 vs. December 2012 Urban: +40.5% Suburban: +6.4% Urban without Columbus: +44.2%
Average YTD Sales Through December 2013 Urban: 1,177.1 Suburban: 466.5 Urban without Columbus: 268.1
Average YTD % Change YTD Through December 2013 Urban: +15.7% Suburban: +19.4% Urban without Columbus: +15.3%
Top 10 Average Sales Price December 2013 1. New Albany: $563,187 2. Upper Arlington: $377,943 3. Bexley: $376,592 4. Dublin: $351,279 5. Downtown: $314,583 6. German Village: $303,136 7. German Village: $271,656 8. Hilliard: $249,811 9. Worthington: $232,741 10. Clintonville: $223,250
Top 10 Average Sales Price % Change December 2013 Over December 2012 1. Whitehall: +37.3% 2. New Albany: +32.8% 3. Pataskala: +29.6% 4. Reynoldsburg: +26.3% 5. Upper Arlington: +25.8% 6. Clintonville: +25.3% 7. Bexley: +23.7% 8. Hilliard: +21.9% 9. Gahanna: +19.6% 10. Dublin: +13.1%
Top 10 Average Sales Prices YTD Through December 2013 1. New Albany: $542,634 2. Upper Arlington: $365,143 3. Bexley: $352,214 4. Dublin: $336,048 5. German Village: $298,199 6. Downtown: $287,976 7. Worthington: $248,857 8. Grandview Heights: $223,185 9. Hilliard: $217,078 10. Gahanna: $199,546
Top 10 Average YTD Sales Price % Change Through December 2013 vs. 2012 1. Whitehall: +18.9% 2. Downtown: +14.0% 3. Minerva Park: +14.0% 4. Upper Arlington: +13.8% 5. Gahanna: +12.1% 6. New Albany: +9.8% 7. Reynoldsburg: +9.6% 8. Obetz: +9.0% 9. Worthington: +7.5% 10. Bexley: +5.8%
Average Sales Price December 2013 Urban: $218,764 Suburban: $233,048 Urban without Columbus: $227,832
Average Sales Price Change December 2012 vs. December 2012 Urban: -1.6% Suburban: +15.5% Urban without Columbus: -2.9%
Average Sales Price YTD Urban: $217,056 Suburban: $224,060 Urban without Columbus: $226,017
Average Sales Price % Change YTD Urban: +5.6% Suburban: +5.6% Urban without Columbus: +5.7%
Top 10 Fastest Selling Markets December 2013 (Based on Average # of Days for Listings to Sell) 1. Bexley: 26 2. Obetz: 42 3. New Albany: 47 4. Hilliard: 50 5. Clintonville: 51 6. Pataskala: 57 7. Gahanna: 58 8. Upper Arlington: 58 9. Reynoldsburg: 61 10. Grove City: 63
Average # of Days Before Sale, December 2013 Urban: 73.4 Suburban: 63.9 Urban without Columbus: 73.8
Average # of Days Before Sale YTD Urban: 61.3 Suburban: 62.9 Urban without Columbus: 60.9
Top 10 Lowest Market Housing Supplies (Based on # of Months to Sell all Listings) 1. Worthington: 1.2 2. Bexley: 1.8 3. Clintonville: 1.9 4. Hilliard: 1.9 5. Upper Arlington: 1.9 6. Grandview Heights: 2.1 7. Westerville: 2.1 8. Gahanna: 2.2 9. Minerva Park: 2.2 10. German Village: 2.3
A healthy housing supply is considered to be around 5 months. Anything less than 3 months is considered very low. All of the 21 areas I looked at were below 5 months, indicating a county-wide shortage. This shortage has only deepened over the last year, with December having the lowest number of available homes in nearly 15 years.
Average # of Months to Sell All Listings, December 2013 Urban: 2.7 Suburban: 3.2 Urban without Columbus: 2.6
Average % Change of Single-Family Home Sales December 2013 vs. December 2012 Urban: +28.5% Suburban: +14.3% Urban without Columbus: +30.8%
Average % Change of Single-Family Home Sales YTD vs. YTD 2012 Urban: +9.8% Suburban: +19.0% Urban without Columbus: +8.8%
Average % Change of Condo Sales December 2013 vs. December 2012 Urban: +20.5% Suburban: -4.2% Urban without Columbus: +20.5%
Average % Change of Condo Sales YTD vs. YTD 2012 Urban: +29.0% Suburban: +23.5% Urban without Columbus: +29.9%