CoGo Bike Share Sees Record Ridership in 2023

CoGo bike share

Columbus’ CoGo bike share system has been in operation since July, 2013. After a decade of ups and downs, the system seems to be finally hitting its stride.

CoGo bikeshare total trips by year

As the chart above shows, total CoGo trips were generally up between 2013-2017, and then saw a fairly steep decline 2018-2019. It’s unclear what caused that decline, but everything from system disruptions to weather could have played a role. Regardless, the pandemic, protests and general chaos of 2020 didn’t seem to matter as total trips for the year rebounded strongly. After another down year in 2021, 2022 saw CoGo’s highest ridership since the system opened, and 2023 continued that trend by blowing out 2022’s record. There were an extra 33 trips per day in 2023 vs. 2022, which added up to more than 12,000 more for the year.
Hopefully, the increase in ridership will prompt another expansion of the system into new areas soon. And some actual protected bike lanes would be nice, as Columbus- to date, anyway- has been less than stellar on this issue.

Columbus Area Housing Permits

I talked about housing permits before- almost a decade ago now- and thought it would be a good time to update and expand the information. The following graphs detail Columbus area housing permits as they pertain to new residential units being permitted for construction.

Up first, the below graph shows all permitted units by type for the entire metro area since 1995.
Columbus area housing permits metro area total permits
What most stands out about the graph is how single-family construction dominated until the late 2000s. When the Great Recession hit, it completely changed that dynamic. Since then, multi-family units have mostly been on top in most years, perhaps because more money could be made with them with less financial risk.

Here is the permitted housing type as a % of total permitted units.
Columbus area housing permits % of total units
Between 1995-2010 the average breakdown was 67.46% Single-Family and 32.54% Multi-Family. Since 2010, the breakdown has been 48.16% Single-Family and 51.84% Multi-Family, representing a full 38.6-point margin change towards Multi-Family.

But what about what is actually getting permitted within just the city of Columbus, rather than the entire metro? City-exclusive data is available going back to 1980.
Columbus area housing permits Columbus city permits
The city experienced the same shift as the overall metro, but much more drastically.

The % of total units by type for the city shows that single-family housing has been steadily becoming a smaller part of new construction permits since around 2003.
Columbus area housing permits Columbus % of total units

Finally, let’s break down multi-family permits by total number of buildings per unit count for the city only.
Columbus area housing permits Columbus multi-family buildings
Except for during the 1990s, 5+-unit buildings have been dominant, but it seems that fewer overall buildings are being built despite total units being high, suggesting that project size has increased over the years.