Columbus continues to develop rapidly as the population grows. Demand is high and homes have been in short supply for years. Unimaginative developers creating poor projects and proposals seems to be the norm, however. Some of these proposals sacrifice historic buildings, others promote an entirely car-centric environment unfriendly to transit, bikes and pedestrians, while still others are a massive waste of site space.
Here are just a few recent examples of proposed projects that are baffling in their lack of creativity, access, accommodation and site potential.
167-191 S. High Street The Plan The 3 buildings pictured on this Downtown block of High Street are all in imminent danger. In a recent Columbus Business First article, it was reported that the 3 buildings were purchased by Cleveland-based Harsax Management Company, a construction and development firm. While the 1914 Ohio National Bank building at 167 S. High is supposedly the most likely to stay, the other two early 1910s buildings at 171-177 and 181-191 S. High are already likely to be demolished according to the company’s CEO. No specific reason is given for the demolition proposal, only that the company plans to develop the site at some point afterwards. So the suggestion is that these buildings may be demolished without any actual plan in place to replace them, so they’d end up- at least for a short time- as an empty lot or parking. The Problem Not incorporating the southern two buildings into a new development is an entirely unnecessary wasted opportunity, and High Street and Downtown lose at least 2 more of of their old streetscape for no good reason. While the prospect of new development is exciting, the fact of the matter is that preservation can take place while still getting a new dense, mixed-use project for the site even if most or all of the existing buildings are saved.
The Walnut side of 181-191 S. High Street, showing its old stone foundation and other architectural features.
A Few Potential Solutions The site is more than large enough to accommodate the existing buildings with new development, and there are 3 potential configurations that show this. Option 1- The Least Destructive The red area in the above map shows the best possible option. The main part of 171-177 is saved, along with the entirety of 181-189. The small parking lot, the skinny section of 171-177, and the later, smaller addition behind 181-189 would all be replaced with a new development. The area would encompass about 1/3 of an acre, plenty of space to build something fairly significant on. With the renovations of the existing buildings and the new, taller development in back, it would be a potentially spectacular addition to the RiverSouth part of Downtown. In fact, a new project and renovation could incorporate the adjacent dead-end Walnut Alley into the plan, turning it into a market space, restaurant/bar patio, or both. It would be a shame to lose the addition as it is a cool little building itself, but if it allowed the other main buildings to be saved, it would ultimately be worth it. Option 2- The Compromise The second option would fully replace 171-177 S. High and the rear parking lot with a new build. The site would offer just under 1/3rd an acre, so it would be the smallest available option, but would still allow a taller, dense, mixed-use project with High Street frontage. It would also allow both 181-189 and its rear addition to be saved and renovated, which are arguably more important. Option 3- The Greatest Sacrifice Option 3 would require the demolition of 171-177 and the rear addition. This would allow the developer to build an L-shaped project with the new building having direct High Street frontage. It would be a greater loss than Options 1 and 2, for sure, but still a potential compromise versus full demolition. Furthermore, the new building could maintain 171-177’s facade so that the old streetscape look is still maintained. This would be similar to what was done with this hotel project on Park Street.
The fact that the developer either hasn’t considered such options, or isn’t interested in them, is unfortunate. Given its prime location, the potential for this site is extremely high, both in terms of a new build and preservation. It would be incredibly short-sighted of the Downtown Commission to allow full demolition of the site to take place, even if the developer ultimately proposes something significant for the site.
45 W. Barthman Avenue The Plan This 8.2-acre South Side site is a former industrial area that has been mostly vacant and abandoned for many years. The NRP Group, another Cleveland-based development company, wants to turn this site into a residential complex with 200 apartments in 3 buildings.
The site as it exists now.
The proposed site layout.
The Problem The 8.2-acre site is one of the largest single development sites available anywhere on the South Side. 200 units is an insultingly low density for the space. Furthermore, the layout is absolutely awful. The 3 proposed buildings are completely surrounded by surface parking lots, and the positioning of the buildings make it virtually impossible to ever add additional housing on the site later on. It’s also entirely unfriendly to pedestrians, as the site plan shows no sidewalks or pathways along Wall Street and no connections across it. There are only small sections of sidewalk between the buildings and the parking lots, but they do not connect with each other between the 3 buildings. This is about as poor of a plan as it gets. A Potential Solution A new layout is desperately needed for the site. In 5 minutes, I created this potential one. The blue box is a large parking garage- or surface lot alone if any of the buildings have parking underneath- that could easily accommodate hundreds or 1000+ cars. The black lines are new streets, including extensions of Reeb and Barthman Avenues. The yellow line is a new sidewalk along the entire site on Wall Street, and each new street would have connecting sidewalks. The orange boxes are potential buildings, each between 1/2-1.2 acres in size. For comparison, the entire HighPoint project on High Street Downtown is about 1.3 acres. That’s more than large enough to accommodate 100-300 units each depending on the number of floors. That means the 6 buildings could potentially provide 6x-9x the housing units that the original proposal provides, even with just 3 or 4-story buildings. Furthermore, any of the buildings could incorporate retail/restaurant space, something this part of the South Side really doesn’t have outside of strip centers. Those spaces would be particularly attractive facing the 1.5-acre park carved out in the center of the site. I noticed in the original plan that they have retention ponds. If they are necessary, a central retention pond could be the key feature of this pocket park and event space. You might say, however, that the developer might not have the financing to build all of this, and that’s true. However, just like Jeffrey Park in Italian Village, building one or 2 buildings at a time, letting them fill up and then building more over several years would not be out of the question. The site doesn’t have to be developed all at once. The developer can build the 3 buildings originally planned and then fill out the rest of the site over time. The point is to do it right, not fast.
329 Loeffler Avenue
329 Loeffler Avenue.
The Plan Another proposal that seeks to demolish a part of old Columbus is the 7-townhome proposal from, it seems, an R and R Construction. Most of the land for the proposal is vacant and has been for years, but there is a lone brick house at the corner of Loeffler and Carrie Avenue that the company wants to demolish for the project. The house dates back to between 1890-1905. The Problem There is, quite plainly, no reason the house needs to be demolished. While it is vacant, auditor records list the house in fair condition, so it’s hardly beyond saving. It can be renovated. Furthermore, the location on the corner means that it is not actually in the way of the project overall. The proposed layout below shows the location of the house in the red box. The Solution There is no reason that the new building on Loeffler needs to extend to the corner. It could just be a 3-unit building on that section instead of 4, with the house being renovated on the corner. It’s location does not interfere with the other 3 units facing the back alley whatsoever and the overall number of units for the project would still be 7. The house is a part of the neighborhood’s history. Regardless of how it may look at the moment, it’s condition means that it is not structurally deficient, so it can remain and should. Brick homes like this are being lost for all sorts of reasons- neglect, arson, new development- but this is a perfect example where location makes it a great candidate for saving.
While these are recent, the fact is that such poor project proposals come out almost every month, and there is often little to no pushback from neighborhood commissions or the city to do better. While solutions and better options exist, we’re missing out on creating better, richer neighborhoods that both embrace new development while encouraging preservation and higher standards for residents. I encourage anyone who can to contact these companies, the city and neighborhood commissions to speak out. Even if you disagree with my particular take on these proposals, collectively more voices should be heard in the direction that development in Columbus takes.
Missed opportunity are words that I would rather not use when it comes to urban development. And yet ever since the urban movement resurfaced in the last 10 years or so, I have been patiently waiting for Columbus to get with the program on building quality urban development. In far too many cases, however, those projects can’t be described as anything other than a missed opportunity, and now the phrase has become new buzzwords associated with Columbus development overall. While not every development project has been a disappointment in recent years, here is pretty much the entire list of examples of the city being forward-thinking, or at the very least, following established urban development principles:
1. The Scioto Greenway and Scioto Mile This project, completed in 2015, removed the low-head dam south of the Main Street Bridge. This lowered the water level of the Scioto River through Downtown, allowing for the creation of more than 30 acres of new park space. Walking and biking paths, landscaping and public art was included in the project, which also improved water quality in the Scioto and allowed for a more natural flow.
Scioto River restoration.
Scioto Mile
2. Getting rid of the City Center monstrosity for Columbus Commons park. The 1989 City Center Mall, built in the typical suburban style that lacked any real street-level interaction, died a slow death due to competition. It was demolished in 2009 and Columbus Commons replaced it, complete with landscaping, restaurant space and a carousel. The park has been popular for warm-month events, and new development has sprung up around it.
3. CoGo Bike Share. What started as 30 stations with 300 bikes a few years ago has grown to more than 40 stations, with future expansions planned.
4. Adopting the Complete Streets Infrastructure Program The concept of Complete Streets is the idea that public infrastructure should think about more than just cars. It allows for the principles that all roads should have pedestrian infrastructure, and where possible, multi use paths and bike lanes.
5. The C-Bus The Downtown circulator bus has been very popular, particularly because it is free to all.
I literally couldn’t think of any others, but perhaps someone can help me out with other examples? In any case, this part will focus largely on Downtown, with the next installment focusing on other areas of the urban core.
Back in 2002 when former mayor Mike Coleman helped initiate the first Downtown plan, it was built around the idea of a strong urban center, which Columbus hadn’t really had in decades, the Short North and German Village notwithstanding. His goal was to add 10,000 new residential units to Downtown by 2010. The city offered incentives like tax abatements to help make it happen. Unfortunately, the housing market in Columbus, like in just about every city, was severely impacted by the double recessions during the 2000s and Downtown ended up with less than 1/4th of the goal by 2010. While the economy was not Coleman’s fault and he was in fact fighting the good fight, the effort still ended up fairly underwhelming. Consider the very sobering facts about Downtown Columbus. In 2010, Downtown had 7,416 residents according to the Census report called “Distance Profiles for US Metropolitan Areas 2000 and 2010”. In the report, population profiles were given for each mile out from “City Hall”, or basically the center of each city’s downtown. Mile 0 measured the CBD, and Columbus’ 7,416 total was shockingly low for a city its size. In fact, of the 92 Midwestern metro areas of any size, Columbus’ downtown had the 15th lowest population. Out of major cities, it ranked dead last. The only bright bit of news was that it was just one of 22 Midwest downtowns that saw population growth between 2000 and 2010 (oh, and that the #15 worst ranking was actually an improvement from #8 worst in 2000), perhaps the only tangible result of the 2002 plan. I’ll get back to the population problem in a bit.
The lack of reaching 10,000 units during the 2000s was not the only casualty of the recession years. Coleman also revived the discussion about bringing rail to the city, but he did so in the form of streetcars, which seemed somewhat like a half-measure attempt. Ultimately it didn’t matter anyway. As soon as the economy crashed in 2007-2008, the plan was shelved without even getting on a ballot. Rail discussion has come and gone several times since then, but only in the context of multiple studies on potential routes and costs, but there have been zero serious discussions since 2007 about rail being something that is on its way to the city. Columbus remains the largest US city in the nation without passenger rail service of any kind, even as the economy has returned to normal and many other cities continue to expand or begin building systems of their own. But rail is not the only transit misfire of recent years. Let’s talk about BRT. Dubbed the CMAX, a proposal to put Columbus’ first BRT (bus-rapid-transit) line on Cleveland Avenue was announced a few years back. The problem? It really isn’t BRT. BRT traditionally has dedicated lanes, fewer stops and bus stations that more closely resemble train platforms than the traditional bus shelter. Because of this, these buses typically run up to 50% faster along routes than a normal bus. With the CMAX, however, no dedicated lanes are planned whatsoever. Instead, the buses are supposed to get “signal priority” rather than separated lanes. This ensures that the bus will inevitably get stuck in traffic, and studies done on BRT systems overwhelmingly make the case that BRT in mixed traffic doesn’t significantly reduce route times or increase ridership. Technically, it isn’t even BRT. Oh, the stations will be fancier, as shown below, but fancy stations don’t actually make for a BRT system. Why transit leadership would make such a stupid mistake is beyond me, especially when there are already plenty of examples of better systems out there.
CMax station.
But wait, there’s more! Without rail, and with half-assed BRT that is still years away from being built on a single road, those wishing to use transit in Columbus have to rely on COTA and its bus system. Long using the outdated spoke system from Downtown, COTA finally decided it was time to redesign its system, which will include adding more express routes, extending hours and rearranging existing routes to better serve areas where people actually live and work. That’s the good news. The bad news is that it is still COTA will all its problems. You still need actual money to ride, as there is no rechargeable card, something cities across the country have used for years, and there is no live tracking system to show where buses are relative to bus stops. COTA actually paid a firm to design such a live tracking system, but it failed miserably and they were forced to go back to the drawing board. So far, there is no word on when or if a 2.0 version will arrive.
So let’s face it, transit sucks in Columbus. The city has long had a reputation as a car-first city, and it is hard to argue otherwise. This brings me back to Downtown and the urban core in general. Once upon a time, Downtown and adjacent neighborhoods were some of the most dense in Ohio. Population peaked by 1950 around 30,000 just in Downtown alone, but then followed several disastrous decades of “Urban Renewal”. I can’t say for a fact that UR affected Columbus more than most cities, but it is hard to argue with the results. Block after block after block of densely-built historic buildings were demolished for parking lots, most of which still exist to this very day. The population Downtown plummeted to barely 2,000 by 1980 before beginning its slow ascent again to the still pathetic 7,416 in 2010. This indiscriminate destruction was compounded by the highways that were deliberately plowed through urban neighborhoods, something which even Eisenhower, proponent of the national highway system, was appalled by. The Near East and Near South communities like German Village and Old Towne East were suddenly cut off from Downtown. While the historic German Village did better given that it had a dedicated group of proponents to revitalize the area, OTE and King-Lincoln saw their populations collapse. Thousands of historic homes not destroyed by the highways were left to rot, and many of them succumbed to the Urban Renewal wrecking ball eventually. The bottom line is that the urban core was hurt badly, and for a long, long time, no one understood the consequences of that.
By the mid-1980s, Downtown alone had over 65,000 parking spaces, but as I said above, very little population. It had become a place for office workers to abandon after 5pm on weekdays, and weekends were a ghost town. City leaders had long been discussing ways to bring life back to the core, but in a classic Columbus folly, thought the best way to do that was to build a suburban enclosed mall in the middle of Downtown. To do so, blocks of historic buildings that had managed to survive nearly 4 decades of destruction were demolished. When City Center and its monster Capital South Parking Garage were opened in 1989, it lacked the necessary characteristics that encourage pedestrian activity. People literally drove into the garage and went into the mall without ever stepping foot onto a sidewalk. Not surprisingly, Downtown retail not associated with the mall collapsed and the area ended up even more dead than before. Exactly 20 years later, in 2009, the mall itself came down after failing to compete with newer suburban malls. Some people mourned its loss, but not me. Unfortunately, the city-block sized parking garage remained. As mentioned above, City Center was replaced with a park, Columbus Commons.
The park plan received a LOT of negative feedback. Many were convinced that it would just become a place for the homeless to squat in or piss on new landscaping, or for criminals to lurk behind bushes waiting to strike. It was all pretty silly, and ultimately, none of that happened. The park, with the help of a robust schedule of yearlong activities planned by the city, became an almost instant success. A new stage on the north end allowed such events like Picnic with the Pops, from the Columbus Orchestra, to move Downtown from elsewhere. Also, even before the construction of the park, part of the new land was set aside for mixed-use construction. It was assumed then that it might take a decade to fill in the sections along High Street or the corner of 3rd and Rich. However, the new park being the success as it was, combined with the new Scioto Mile a few blocks away, made this area attractive to new development. All good so far, right? Here is where things took a turn towards “missed opportunity” in a big way.
An Atlanta-based developer, Carter, and Moody Nolan proposed a 6-story project called HighPoint at Columbus Commons for the entire section of the park along High Street. The problem? High Street is arguably the city’s most prominent urban commercial corridor. The city had, not long before that, instituted recommended standards for High Street Downtown that called for minimum 10-stories. Worse, the design for HighPoint was terrible. The materials were cheap, and it was basically just a large box with tiny windows. The 300+ residential units (in 2 buildings) were a plus, as was the ground floor retail, but the scale of the project was simply too small for such a large site. The bad design just made it worse. Initial excitement over development coming to the Commons so soon after its construction faded pretty quickly with such a mediocre proposal. Unfortunately, the project received all the variances it needed and was built pretty much as proposed. It looked even worse in reality than it did in proposal form. It is now considered one of the worst projects built in the core in the last decade. Worse still, the retail sections have struggled to fill, and only very recently has there been any news on the spaces being rented.
HighPoint as it was originally proposed.
HighPoint completed.
HighPoint wouldn’t be Downtown’s only recent development missed opportunity. With such low Downtown population, one would think going for the most underwhelming result shouldn’t be the goal, or at least following recently adopted guidelines would be a priority, but that has proven to not be remotely true. While great developments like the Commons, Scioto Mile and the Scioto Greenways have activated RiverSouth construction, more often than not, the proposed projects have been vastly underwhelming for their Downtown locations. Before getting to the missed opportunities, let’s talk about the few RiverSouth projects that have bucked the trend. At the northeast intersection of S. High and E. Main, a parking lot had existed since the late 1980s, when construction of the adjacent Capital South Garage was completed for City Center. The narrow lot had once had a proposal for a 4-5 story apartment project around 2003, but that never got very far. The 12-story, 250 High project was announced in 2013. The mixed-use project would contain 156 apartments, office space and ground floor retail. Completed in 2015, the project has been very successful with high demand for its office space in particular.
Another decent project for the area is the LC at RiverSouth project at S. High and Town, which consists of an 8 and a 10-story mixed-use building with over 200 residential units and ground floor retail. Construction has been extremely slow on this project, but finally may be going vertical over the next few months.
Finally, we have the Julian, a 90-unit renovation of a former factory building at S. Front and W. Main.
Before in 2009.
The completed Julian in 2015.
3 solid projects. Moving on to the problems though, there is a project in the RiverSouth that came about during the 2000s that is every bit the missed opportunity that later projects in the area would be- The Annex at RiverSouth. Lifestyle Communities, or LC as it is commonly known, took advantage of Coleman’s tax incentives to propose a condo project on two giant surface parking lots between W. Rich and W. Town along S. Front Street. These sites had been transitioning to parking since at least the 1950s and all buildings had been demolished by the 1980s. They remained this way through the mid-2000s, when LC, which had largely focused on building suburban apartment complexes previously, decided to enter the Downtown market with the Annex project. The two lots were pretty much some of the most prime real estate in all of Downtown, as they were just a block west of High and a block east of the river. A project of height could’ve taken advantage of some fantastic views of Downtown and the riverfront, as there were mostly low rise buildings between the site and the river itself, and the large sizes of the lots- the largest left west of High Street Downtown, were perfect for signature development. Instead, LC decided to bring suburbia into the city. It proposed a 4-story condominium development. There were no mixed-use elements, such as retail, associated with the project in any way. Yet again the Downtown Commission let the project fly through approvals with nary a change from the original proposal. To be fair, the design of the Annex is significantly better than HighPoint, but the scale was and is massively undersized for the location. Its lack of retail meant that anyone living in the complex had to go elsewhere to shop and eat. This would really be the first project that the Downtown Commission would ignore its own development guidelines to approve. HighPoint was next… and then there were a lot more.
LC somewhat redeemed itself a few years later with the proposal of the LC RiverSouth project mentioned above. Similar name, but a much different development from the Annex, so perhaps LC learned a few things in year years between them. Or maybe not, considering its most recent proposal for the northwest corner of W. Main and S. Front. Named The Matan, the proposal would include 117 apartments and retail. Unfortunately and once again, the 5-story proposal is far too small for its prime location.
Now, for some, the prospect of this project is a major positive, because it replaces a surface lot and adds population density and retail to a part of Downtown that needs it. It also has a bit better design and it restores a neighboring historic building instead of demolishing it. This is not a missed opportunity because of those factors, but because it does so in the most bare minimum of ways, much in the same way that HighPoint or the Annex did before it. Adding something where nothing currently exists is of course a positive, but it is also setting the bar as low as it can possibly go in terms of development. Consider the proposal for just across the street, at the southwest corner of W. Main and S. Front. The 75-unit, 5-story apartment building, as yet unnamed, is even worse than the Matan. Besides also being far too small for the location, it also completely leaves ground floor retail out. Instead, the first 2 floors will be, what else… parking. So rather than building pedestrian level momentum on Front, which severely lacks it, the Downtown development commission is allowing projects to move through without encouraging even mixed-use elements. Why?
For being called RiverSouth, it seems developers don’t believe that anyone actually wants to see the river.
RiverSouth is hardly the only area seeing underwhelming projects Downtown. Take a look at some others.
Northwest corner of Gay and N. High Street.
This 230-unit, 3-building project will be just 6 stories on some of the very last surface lots on High Street Downtown, once again in a corridor that adopted standards stresses a minimum of 10 stories. And while the design itself is not terrible, and there is retail, the design setbacks only enhance the fact that the project is far too small in scale for an entire block of High Street. Southwest corner of Front and Long: This 8-story city office building is, once again, underwhelming in scale and design. Its design actually looks very similar to the Franklin County Courthouse building constructed a few years ago. See below: Very similar, right? Also, the project includes a new parking garage on the northwest corner of Long and Front. Front currently has more than half a dozen large parking garages already. Not a single one of them has any mixed-use elements, such as residential or office above, or retail on the ground floor. This new garage will not have it, either, creating one more dead zone when the city could’ve been more forward-thinking. Northwest corner of S. 3rd and E. Rich:
Original proposal.
The southeast corner of Columbus Commons was originally proposed to be developed by something 20 stories or above. When the proposal for 17-story Two25 first came out, it was already a little disappointing. The news release, however, suggested the mixed-use project could go higher depending on demand. However, it was recently announced the Two25 would instead have its height cut by 5 full floors and would only be 12 stories. No real explanation was given, beyond the developer claiming that Columbus had not reached adequate $-per-square-foot returns for the larger project, despite extremely high demand for Class A office space and high 90s occupancy rates with residential. So basically, the developer didn’t buy into the idea that there was enough demand, despite every other mixed-use project, including 12-story 250 High, filling up rapidly. Northeast corner of E. Long and N. Fourth: An as yet unnamed 10-story proposal is a missed opportunity for a few reasons. Originally, this was supposed to be 5 stories taller and for some reason, in what has become an all too familiar story, was reduced. Further, a good chunk of the site will be yet another parking garage for Downtown (there are now almost 30 garages and nearly 300 surface lots- think about that for a minute). The parking garage will not have retail on the ground floor, but rather office space for the developer. So instead of putting the offices on the 2nd floor of the garage and having retail/restaurant space on the ground floor to activate the street, this section of Fourth will remain a dead zone. Worse still, the garage will be the prominent look at the intersection, rather than the residential. Rather than address these flaws, the Downtown Commission caught the vapors and swooned in approval. Basically all of Neighborhood Launch: Okay, so I am going to get some flack for this, but hear me out. Overall, I do like this development. The quality of construction is there, design is good and it is replacing several surface lots and creating a much more vibrant area. However, there are some flaws that need to be mentioned. First of all, it is simply too small in scale, like many other developments Downtown. While there are a few 5-story buildings, most of it is 3 stories. The height/density is less of an issue, though, than the complete lack of mixed-use elements in a development that has several hundred units. Even in the 5-story buildings on E. Long, there is no retail. Part of creating an urban neighborhood is not just about getting people to live there, but also giving them amenities, and Neighborhood Launch lacks those amenities. There seems to be little to no regard for giving residents something to do. Even a corner café would be something, but just like in the Annex at RiverSouth, residents currently have to go elsewhere. While in this post I have focused largely on Downtown, this is really just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what is going on around the rest of the city, and the situation may actually be worse elsewhere *coughClintonvillecough*. If Columbus wants to be a major, vibrant city, it has to act like one and not simply pay the concept lip service. Things like expanding transit should be a priority and development should not only match demand, but in order to reach the potential of what could be, it should be encouraged to push the envelope of what is possible rather than merely meeting the bare minimum of standards, or sometimes not even meeting them at all. Columbus should not be a city of missed opportunities, but rather one of exceeding expectations whenever possible. When its downtown is already one of the least populated of nearly 100 Midwest peers, it seems clear that going bare minimum is not going to get the job done. You can do better Columbus.