Today in History: The First Columbus Gay Pride

Depending on the source, the first official Columbus Gay Pride event was held in either June 1981 or June 1982. Going through newspaper and other records, it does seem like the first official Pride Parade in Columbus occurred on June 26, 1982. There were smaller demonstrations prior to 1982, but nothing officially recognized. In the 1970s, before events became more commonplace, small marches would take place through Downtown. Some participants of those early events would wear bags over their heads so that they would not be recognized. Very few protections, if any, existed for the LGBT community then, so a public outing could be very detrimental to someone’s life. In 1982, Columbus City Council passed a resolution recognizing Gay Pride Week 13 years after the Stonewall Riots, and allowed the parade to take place. The City had been somewhat of an early adoptee of LGBT equality when, in 1974, it passed an ordinance expanding housing and other public accommodation protections based on sexual orientation.

Columbus Ohio gay pride

The 1982 parade.

Between 500-1000 people showed up to Columbus’ first Pride. The group took a route from Goodale Park, down Front Street and eventually to Capitol Square for a rally. The first parade was somewhat low key compared to today’s enormous party atmosphere. Participants carried signs, sang songs and waved American flags. The now iconic rainbow flag had only existed since 1978 and was not yet in widespread use.
The parade faced surprisingly few hecklers along the route for a time in which support for LGBT equality was very much a minority position within the greater population. Some local churches organized small protest groups that shouted at the crowd to repent, but were booed down by the parade- a scene that unfortunately continues to the present day.

These brave participants helped pave the way for what is now one the largest such events in the nation and possibly the world. From less than 1000 marchers and spectators, the still-growing event now attracts in excess of half a million. Based on global statistics, this would put Columbus’ Pride in the top 25 largest in the world and around 8th in the United States.

Happy Pride!

For more information on local Pride history and events, as well as LGBT resources, visit the following:
Stonewall Columbus
LGBT Resources
LGBT Health Resources

Where Does the Immigrant Population Live?

In Franklin County, the immigrant- or foreign-born- population has been growing rapidly for the last few decades. Latin American immigration was dominant for many years, but has recently taken secondary position to even faster Asian growth. But where does the immigrant population live, exactly? Where they end up in the county is perhaps not where common belief would always suggest. The interactive map below breaks down not only the main continent of origin for immigrants by census tract, but also gives the top 5 specific origin nations. While at first glance, the continents seem heavily grouped together, a deeper look at nations of origin indicate that immigrant populations are much more diverse and spread out much more evenly than it appears.

The Census Tract Maps offers a great deal of demographic and population data in all subjects, while Historic US Maps provides old maps of all types.