Snow Statistics

Snow statistics Columbus, Ohio

Long in demand, this page provides all the raw snow statistics used elsewhere on the site. Just click on any of the downloadable or PDF files for full lists of data for any time period.

*Last Updated- 9/6/2024- Updated all records through spring 2024 and added snow depth and measurable snowfall records. 

Records by Date
This file gives the top 5 largest snowfalls by every single date.

Monthly Snowfall by Year
January Snowfall
February Snowfall
March Snowfall
April Snowfall
May Snowfall
October Snowfall
November Snowfall
December Snowfall

Snowfall by Meteorological Season
Fall Snowfall
Winter Snowfall
Spring Snowfall
Meteorological seasons are 3-month periods, i.e. December-February for winter and so on.

Seasonal Snowfall
The seasonal snowfall file covers the full cold season, or basically October-May, the period snowfall is possible.

Annual Snowfall
This file is for the January-December period.

Measurable Snowfall Days
Measurable snowfall days are given for both the meteorological winter and the full cold season.

Daily Snow Depth Records
This file shows the deepest snow depth by all possible dates.