This page highlights before and after photos of Olde Towne East historic buildings, as well as those in other areas bounded by Broad Street, Alum Creek, I-70 and I-71. Only buildings constructed before 1930 are included, and are organized alphabetically by street name and numerically by address.
Last Updated: 7/3/2024- Added to Berkeley Road.
Existing Historic Buildings
Auburn Avenue
1. Lewis Drake House: 26-28 Auburn Avenue: 1907
2. Eugene Leslie House: 48 Auburn Avenue: 1899
3. John Likes House: 81 Auburn Avenue: 1908
Benton Street
1. Residential House: 241-243 Benton Street: 1899
Berkeley Road
1. Residential Building: 363-365 Berkeley Road: 1923
2. Katie Kohl House: 370 Berkeley Road: Around 1900
3. Freeman Dustman House: 384-386 Berkeley Road: Around 1900
4. Shirley Proctor House: 390-392 Berkeley Road: Around 1900
5. Minnie Moessmer House: 407 Berkeley Road: Around 1900
6. Mary Sweeney House: 412 Berkeley Road: Around 1900
7. Eva Neff House: 431 Berkeley Road: Around 1900
8. Allen Gregg House: 484-486 Berkeley Road: Around 1905
9. Adam Andrix House: 503 Berkeley Road: 1925
10. Isaac Martlin House: 528-530 Berkeley Road: 1920
11. Harry Kraner House: 538-540 Berkeley Road: 1914
12. Eva Neff House: 548 Berkeley Road: 1919
13. Jessie Kuehner House: 556-558 Berkeley Road: Around 1918
14. Lafayette Taylor House: 564 Berkeley Road: 1928
15. Bertha Hineman House: 588-590 Berkeley Road: 1922
16. Jennie Peters House: 594-596 Berkeley Road: 1920
17. Frances Hooffstetter House: 603 Berkeley Road: 1925
18. Malo Amunson House: 604 Berkeley Road: 1921
19. Albert Strader House: 608-610 Berkeley Road: Around 1915
Broad Street
1. William Jones House: 731 E. Broad Street: 1889
2. Broad-Garfield Apartments: 775 E. Broad Street: 1929
3. David Jones House: 785 E. Broad Street: 1840
4. Charles Morris House: 875 E. Broad Street: 1895
5. Frank Hickock House: 957 E. Broad Street: 1878
6. Frank Shedd House: 965 E. Broad Street: 1889
7. Broad Street Church of Christ: 1049 E. Broad Street: 1906
8. James Campbell House: 1203 E. Broad Street: 1909
9. Edward Ziegler House: 1243 E. Broad Street: 1908
10. James Alcorn House: 1251 E. Broad Street: 1899
11. Carl Phillips House: 1271 E. Broad Street: 1904
12. Colonial Apartments: 1313 E. Broad Street: 1904
13. Thomas Keating House: 1317 E. Broad Street: Around 1885
14. Henry Pirrung House: 1415 E. Broad Street: 1896
Bryden Road
1. Joseph Weil House: 759 Bryden Road: 1888
2. Charles Stribling House: 844 Bryden Road: 1912
3. Nathan Abbott House: 898 Bryden Road: 1885
4. Benjamin Barbee House: 986 Bryden Road: 1896
4. Orlando Miller House: 1029 Bryden Road: 1894
6. First Presbyterian Church: 1099 Bryden Road: 1909
7. John Schneider House: 1169 Bryden Road: Around 1895
8. John Thomas House: 1211 Bryden Road: 1900
9. Edward Johnson House: 1240 Bryden Road: 1898

Photo taken in 1900.

Photo taken in 2022.
10. Charles Myers House: 1330 Bryden Road: 1896
11. St. Ann’s Hospital: 1555 Bryden Road: 1907: The hospital closed in July, 1984 and later became apartments in the early 1990s.
12. Mollie Farber House: 1611 Bryden Road: Around 1900
13. Edmund Arras House: 1653 Bryden Road: Around 1900
Champion Avenue
1. Brown Veterinary Hospital: 220 S. Champion Avenue: 1906: The building was heavily modified in the 1950s.
Douglass Street
1. Apartment Building: 66-78 Douglass Street: Around 1905: Has been modified more than once.
Eighteenth Street
1. Apartment Building: 166-178 S. 18th Street: 1890
2. Elinor Schmidt House: 244-246 S. 18th Street: 1904
3. Residential House: 370 S. 18th Street: Around 1890
Fair Avenue
1. Charles Fullerton House: 1354-1356 Fair Avenue: 1906
Franklin Avenue
1. Charles Bonebreak House: 865 Franklin Avenue: 1888
2. Packard Company Service State: 1199 Franklin Avenue: 1899: Has been modified many times over the years.
3. Edwin Monroe House: 1224 Franklin Avenue: Around 1900
4. Louis Haas House: 1520 Franklin Avenue: 1894
5. Gansey Johnston House: 1757 Franklin Avenue: Around 1905
Franklin Park South
1. Tod Gilliam House: 1819 Franklin Park South: 1912
Franklin Park West
1. Ira Wilson House: 103 Franklin Park West: 1899
Gilbert Street
1. Residential Building: 369-377 Gilbert Street: Around 1910
2. Residential Building: 401-407 Gilbert Street: Around 1905
3. Residential House: 440-442 Gilbert Street: Around 1910
4. Frank Langwasser House: 441 Gilbert Street: Around 1910
5. Mary Williams House: 452 Gilbert Street: Around 1910
6. Residential House: 460-472 Gilbert Street: Around 1910
Hoffman Avenue
1. Henry O’Kane House: 72 Hoffman Avenue: 1899
2. Franklin Rubrecht House: 94 Hoffman Avenue: 1900
Kelton Avenue
1. Lester Moore House: 250-252 Kelton Avenue: 1904
Kendall Place
1. Thomas Fallon House: 374 Kendall Place: 1896
2. Lincoln Mathews House: 388 Kendall Place: Around 1910
Latta Avenue
1. William North House: 40-42 Latta Avenue: 1906
2. Charles Gibbard House: 43 Latta Avenue: 1875
3. Bess Lorbach House: 49-51 Latta Avenue: 1918
4. Cary Brown House: 59 Latta Avenue: Around 1905
5. Mary Sessions House: 60 Latta Avenue: Around 1895
6. Fletcher Taylor House: 66 Latta Avenue: 1899
7. Residential Building: 79 Latta Avenue: Around 1910
8. Frederick Schlotman House: 90 Latta Avenue: Around 1895
9. Edgar Hart House: 94 Latta Avenue: Around 1895
10. James Daniels House: 95 Latta Avenue: 1909
11. Theo Shirner House: 99-101 Latta Avenue: Around 1905
12. Residential Building: 111-121 Latta Avenue: Around 1895
13. Edna Curtis House: 148 Latta Avenue: Around 1895
Main Street
1. The National Glove Company Building: 924 E. Main Street: Around 1905
2. Engine House #11: 1000 E. Main Street: 1896
McAllister Avenue
1. Residential Building: 947 McAllister Avenue: Around 1905
2. Morris Thurman House: 981 McAllister Avenue: 1899
3. Residential Building: 1113-1119 McAllister Avenue: Around 1910
Monroe Avenue
1. William Lindig House: 33-35 S. Monroe Avenue: Around 1900
Nineteenth Street
1. Elizabeth Henderson House: 179-181 S. 19th Street: 1904
Oak Street
1. Chemical Engine House #1: 736 Oak Street: Around 1892: There seems to be some disagreement on when this was built. The photo is said to have been taken in 1894, and records indicate the building existed a few years earlier, while other records say it wasn’t built until 1896 or 1897. The building itself has been altered significantly over the years.
2. Jacob Harner House: 1022 Oak Street: 1889
3. Chester Hann House: 1310 Oak Street: 1891
4. Carmalette Campbell House: 1635-1637 Oak Street: 1899
5. Residential Building: 1748-1752 Oak Street: 1915
Oakwood Avenue
1. Charles Reynolds House: 434-436 Oakwood Avenue: Around 1905
2. George Smith House: 435 Oakwood Avenue: Around 1905
3. Isaac Tolbert House: 461 Oakwood Avenue: Around 1905
4. Grace Lutheran Church: 492 Oakwood Avenue: 1910
5. Margaret Kerr House: 497 Oakwood Avenue: 1912
6. George Ryder House: 539 Oakwood Avenue: Around 1910
Parsons Avenue
1. Mixed-Use Building: 45-53 Parsons Avenue: 1928
2. Mixed-Use Building: 105-111 Parsons Avenue: 1923
Payne Avenue
1. James Bruce House: 1991 Payne Avenue: Around 1905
Rhoads Avenue
1. George Bassett House: 248 Rhoads Avenue: 1919
2. Lisle Bell House: 256 Rhoads Avenue: 1918
3. Margaret Brubacher House: 260 Rhoads Avenue: 1921
4. Sallie Shulman House: 280 Rhoads Avenue: 1920
5. Caroline Barthman House: 290 Rhoads Avenue: 1923
Rich Street
1. Francis Webb House: 1773 E. Rich Street: 1911
2. Joseph Graham House: 1858 E. Rich Street: Around 1889
Seventeenth Street
1. Ada Gitlin House: 228 S. 17th Street: 1905
2. Frederick Freeman House: 252 S. 17th Street: 1894
3. Dave Levinson House: 296-298 S. 17th Street: 1904
Sherman Avenue
1. Clarence Addison House: 37 Sherman Avenue: 1910
2. Residential Building: 43-45 Sherman Avenue: Around 1910
3. Louis Simon House: 56 Sherman Avenue: 1907
4. Charles Cussins House: 72 Sherman Avenue: 1913
5. William Hutchins House: 115 Sherman Avenue: Around 1905
6. Residential House: 122 Sherman Avenue: Around 1895
7. Sarah Kehrer House: 150 Sherman Avenue: Around 1895
Twenty-Second Street
1. Rosalyn Senter House: 390 S. 22nd Street: 1923
2. William Beck House: 441 S. 22nd Street: Around 1905
Wilson Avenue
1. Conrad Schuette House: 62 Wilson Avenue: Around 1890
2. George Sherman House: 156 Wilson Avenue: 1898
Demolished Historic Buildings
Auburn Avenue
1. Byron Bargar House: 78 Auburn Avenue: 1907-1977: Demolished for unknown reasons. The current house was built in 2003.
Berkeley Road
1. Blanche Coffman House: 497 Berkeley Road: Around 1905-Around 1993: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site remains vacant.
2. Elizabeth Reinhard House: 545-547 Berkeley Road: 1922-2011: Demolished after a fire damaged it some years earlier. The site remains vacant.
Bowman Avenue
1. Fred Clay House: 696 Bowman Avenue: Around 1910-1960: Demolished during the construction of I-70. The site is now in the middle of the highway. The site and nearby area was once part of a village called Hanford. Fred Clay served as mayor from 1937-1939.
Broad Street
1. Edward Leroy House: 683 E. Broad Street: 1880-1925: The house was demolished to build an office and retail building, which was completed in 1926. That building barely escaped demolition during the construction of I-71, but was eventually demolished in 1988 to build the existing office building that currently houses the Buckeye Ranch Foundation.
2. William Brickell House: 715 E. Broad Street: Around 1895-1963: Demolished for unknown reasons, but probably for a parking lot for the adjacent building. The site is now part of a widened Parsons Avenue.
3. William Miles House: 721 E. Broad Street: Around 1885-1967: Demolished to build a retail outlet that still exists.
4. Ebenezer Dewitt House: 841 E. Broad Street: Around 1885-1938: Demolished for development of unknown type. That development was torn down in 1972 and the site became the current gas station a few years later.
5. Frank Powell House: 869 E. Broad Street: 1889-12/17/1965: Demolished for unknown reasons. It appears that the last family member living in the house had died in October 1965, and the house was quickly torn down afterwards. The site has remained a vacant lot ever since.
6. George Peters/Frank Brown/Ned Reese Houses (right to left): 891-911 E. Broad Street: 1895-1905 to 1961 : These homes were all demolished for the office building that is currently on the site.
7. Sarah Failing House: 947 E. Broad Street: Around 1890-1980: Demolished to become the parking lot of a new office expansion next door at 957 E. Broad, and has remained the same since.
8. Emil Hoster House: 1065 E. Broad Street: 1899-1962: Demolished in preparation to build new offices for Buckeye Union Insurance Company. In total, the offices would require the demolition of about 20 historic homes, wiping out an almost fully intact block. The site is now green space for city offices.
9. William Orr House: 1089 E. Broad Street: Around 1890-1962: This home was another casualty of the Buckeye Union Insurance Company Building.
10. Horace Chapman House: 1117 E. Broad Street: Around 1890-1962: Another casualty of the Buckeye Union Insurance Company Building.
11. William Heskett House: 1167 E. Broad Street: Around 1910-1975: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site is now partially green space and partially a parking lot.
12. John Pugh House: 1347 E. Broad Street: 1890-Around 1900: It’s unclear what happened to this house, though a likely suspect is a fire. A new house, known as the Stoneman House, was constructed on the site in 1905. It has the current address of 1349 E. Broad.

Photo taken in 1892.

Photo taken in 2022.
13. Edward Merkle House: 1373 E. Broad Street: 1907-1974: Demolished by the city to build the office building still on the site. The location of the house is a parking lot for the offices.
14. Charles Kurtz House: 1525 E. Broad Street: Around 1895-1949: Demolished to build the current office building.
Bryden Road
1. Joshua Price House: 709 Bryden Road: 1888-1968: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site is used as parking.
2. Robert McCarter House: 737 Bryden Road: 1899-1967: Demolished to build the existing apartment building.
3. Conrad Born House: 827 Bryden Road: Around 1895-1952: Demolished to build the existing apartments.
4. B’Nail Israel Temple: 925 Bryden Road: 1904-1969: The end began in 1960 when the Temple Israel congregation moved to a new church on East Broad. Caldwell Temple moved in that year, but the growing church quickly ran out of space. In 1968, Caldwell Temple swapped churches with the First United Methodist Church next door at 873 Bryden Road. First United had been rapidly losing membership and no longer needed the space, but they had no plans for the former Caldwell Temple, either. The following year, the church was sold to the city. After receiving federal park grants, the city tore down the church to put in Blackburn Park.
5. Henry Miller House: 987 Bryden Road: 1899-1975: Unknown reason for demolition. The site remains vacant.
6. Samuel Black House: 1000 Bryden Road: 1894-1962: Demolished to build the Grant Apartments complex that still exists.
7. Charles Neil House: 1044 Bryden Road: 1899-1946: Unknown reason for demolition. The site wouldn’t have the current apartment building on it until 1964.
8. Susan Lindenberg House: 1071 Bryden Road: 1899-1963: Demolished to build the current apartment building.

Photo taken in 1900.

Photo taken in 2022.
9. John Kaufman House: 1151 Bryden Road: Around 1895-1942: Demolished to build the existing apartment building.
10. Bryden Apartments: 1277 Bryden Road: 1902-1976: It seems this apartment complex began to run into trouble in 1966, when a fire broke out in the attic. Apparently, financial trouble for owners forced a sale in 1972 and then again in 1974. The Boys Own Youth Shelter, Inc. purchased the property in 1974 with a plan to convert it into housing for troubled youth, but then decided to tear it down and build new, possibly due to higher costs associated with a large renovation. The new shelter, however, was never built, as the organization ended up running up a delinquent property tax tab and the property ended up in the hands of the City in 1978. The vacant lot eventually became English Park and Kwanzaa Playground.
11. Herbert Bradley House: 1392 Bryden Road: Around 1895-1966: Demolished by an organization known as Moor Investments to build the apartment building that is currently on the site.
Carpenter Street
1. Residential Building: 316-320 Carpenter Street: Around 1905-1987: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site is now a parking lot.
Eighteenth Street
1. Mabel Sulzer House: 161-163 S. 18th Street: Around 1905-1981: Unknown reasons for demolition. The site remains vacant.
2. Francis Peck House: 291 S. 18th Street: Around 1890-1993: Unknown reason for demolition. A new house went on the site in 2004.
3. Freda Schwarz House: 295 S. 18th Street: Around 1895-1981: Unknown reason for demolition. The site remains vacant.
4. Mixed-Use Building: 318-326 S. 18th Street: Around 1895-1969: Demolished as part of the creation of Blackburn Park.
Fair Avenue
1. Residential House: 1326 Fair Avenue: Around 1895-1989: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site remains vacant.
2. Fred Sharer House: 1425 Fair Avenue: Around 1900-1961: Demolished to expand the adjacent school.
Franklin Avenue
1. Herbert Linthwaite House: 781 Franklin Avenue: Around 1895-1975: Unknown reason for demolition. The site remains vacant.
2. Celia Brown House: 1004-1006 Franklin Avenue: Around 1900-1990: Demolished due to poor condition. The site is now the side yard of 998 Franklin Avenue.
3. Charles Thomas House: 1088 Franklin Avenue: Around 1890-1968: Demolished to build and apartment building that remains to the present.
4. East High School: 1390 Franklin Avenue: 1899-1975: The school was used until 1923, when the 2nd East High was completed at 1500 E. Broad Street. The school became Franklin Junior High School for the rest of its existence. The school was torn down to make way for a new school building, now the Franklin Alternative Middle School. This construction also permanently cut Franklin Avenue into 2 separate east and west sections and required the demolition of about 2 dozen historic homes.
5. John Decker House: 1566-1568 Franklin Avenue: Around 1905-1987: Demolished due to poor condition. The site remained vacant until 2019 when new homes went on the site.
Franklin Park South
1. The Children’s Hospital: 1515 Franklin Park South: 2/1/1894-Around 1930: The original location of Children’s Hospital, it was demolished a few years after the present location was opened in 1924. Apartments have been on the site since 1937.
2. Anton Brunner House: 1939 Franklin Park South: 1902-1982: Functioned as the Columbus Academy until 1968. Demolished by the city to build an athletic complex and Academy Park.
Gilbert Street
1. Emil Reidel House: 387 Gilbert Street: Around 1890-1975: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site remains vacant.
2. Frank Schille House: 447-449 Gilbert Street: Around 1910-1975: Unknown reasons for demolition. The site remains vacant.
3. Lara Caulkins House: 448 Gilbert Street: Around 1910-1987: Demolished for unknown reasons, but likely due to condition. The site remains vacant.
4. Residential House: 516 Gilbert Street: Around 1905-1965: Demolished for the construction of I-70.
Hoffman Avenue
1. Frank Benckenstein House: 44 Hoffman Avenue: 1899-1967: Demolished for a parking lot that still exists.
2. Carrie Barnes House: 91-93 Hoffman Avenue: Around 1910-1975: Demolished for a parking lot that remains to the present day.
Kelton Avenue
1. Grace Hopkins House: 257-259 Kelton Avenue: Around 1905-1989: Demolished due to poor condition. The site remains vacant.
Kendall Place
1. Kenneth Wood House: 329 Kendall Place: Around 1898-1981: Demolished to create a parking ot for the adjacent apartment building.
Latta Avenue
1. John Bradshaw House: 78-80 Latta Avenue: 1912-1976: Unknown reason for demolition. The site remains vacant.
2. Frank Huggins House: 102 Latta Avenue: 1891-1997: Unknown reason for demolition. The site remains vacant.
3. Charles Henkley House: 105 Latta Avenue: 1888-2008: Demolished for parking for the adjacent building.
4. Leonce Oderbrecht House: 156 Latta Avenue: 1891-2002: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site remains vacant.
5. William Hutchins House: 157-159 Latta Avenue: Around 1905-1973: Demolished for unknown reasons. The lot remains vacant.
6. Milton Cole House: 168-170 Latta Avenue: 1909-1987: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site now contains a garage for the adjacent house, but it otherwise vacant.
Madison Avenue
1. Samuel Patterson House: 1037 Madison Avenue: 1890-1987: Demolished due to poor condition. The site remains vacant.
Main Street
1. William Winegarner House: 1100 E. Main Street: Around 1905-Around 1985: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site remained vacant until the adjacent business created the existed parking lot.
2. The Boylston: 1228 E. Main Street: 1905-1985: Demolished due to poor condition. The site remains vacant.
3. Mitchell Lilley House: 1569 E. Main Street: 1840-1963: Demolished to construct a retail building.
McAllister Avenue
1. Lilly Cochran House: 1090 McAllister Avenue: 1909-1999: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site has remained vacant.
Monroe Avenue
1. Oscar Corson House: 29 S. Monroe Avenue: 1899-1987: Demolished due to poor condition. The site remains vacant.
Oak Street
1. Augustus Gerlach House: 775 Oak Street: 1891-Around 1968: Unknown reason for demolition. The site is now a community garden.
2. John Brown House: 965 Oak Street: 1892-Around 1975: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site is now part of an expanded church.
3. Emilius Randall House: 1025 Oak Street: 1888-1969: Demolished after a 1968 fire damaged what was then being used as a rooming house. The apartment building has been on the site since 1970.
4. Commercial Building: 1102-1112 Oak Street: Around 1910-2015: The building had been abandoned for many years and had sustained significant decline over the period. A buyer purchased the building in 2014 with the intention of finally renovating and restoring the property, but the building partially collapsed just before construction began, and those plans were ultimately abandoned.
5. Jefferson Cherry House: 1123 Oak Street: Around 1888-Around 1960 for unknown reasons. The lot remained vacant until The Gemma building was constructed in 2019.
Ohio Avenue
1. Marion Menefee House: 274 S. Ohio Avenue: Around 1900-1987: Demolished due to poor condition. The site is now a community garden.
Parsons Avenue
1. The Cumberland: 26-30 Parsons Avenue: 1895-1976: Demolished for the existing parking lot.
2. Wheeler Building: 50 Parsons Avenue: 1907-1976: Demolished for the existing parking lot.
3. George McClelland House: 156 Parsons Avenue: 1847-3/1954: Demolished to make way for the existing office building. The house had been added onto over the years and used as a business prior to its demolition. The house had sat well off the street facing towards Parsons.
4. James Grover House: 197 Parsons Avenue: 1890-1960: Demolished during the construction of I-71. The site is now part of the highway border.
5. Josiah Turner House: 203 Parsons Avenue: 1889-1960: Demolished during the construction of I-71. The site is now part of the highway border.
6. Seymour Watkins House: 247 Parsons Avenue: 1893-1960: Demolished during the construction of I-71. The site is now part of the highway border.
7. James Thurber House: 251 Parsons Avenue: 1873-1962: Demolished during the construction of I-71. The site is now part of the highway border.
Rich Street
1. George Karb House: 641 E. Rich Street: 1892-1962: Demolished for the construction of I-71. The site in the after photo would’ve been somewhere on the left side of the highway, but at a higher elevation.
2. Edward Huff House: 1105-1107 E. Rich Street: Around 1905-1990: Demolished due to very poor condition. The site remains vacant.
3. Residential House: 1156-1158 E. Rich Street: Around 1905-1990: Demolished for unknown reasons, but likely due to condition. The site remains vacant.
4. Emma Draudt House: 1600 E. Rich Street: 1896-1987: Demolished for unknown reasons. Site remained vacant until 2019 when a new home was constructed.
Sherman Avenue
1. John Knox House: 29 Sherman Avenue: Around 1910-1962: Demolished for a parking lot that remains to the present day.
2. George Malay House: 137 Sherman Avenue: Around 1900-2014: Demolished due to poor condition. The site is now used as the side yard of the adjacent house.
3. Mary Jordon House: 148 Sherman Avenue: Around 1895-Around 1970: Unknown reasons for demolition. The site is used as the side yard of 140 Sherman.
4. James Fullerton House: 152 Sherman Avenue: Around 1895-1975: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site remains vacant.
Tiffin Street
1. William Ely House: 1580 Tiffin Street: Around 1910-1972: Demolished for unknown reasons, but may have been for parking for the adjacent former hospital building, which is now apartments.
Twentieth Street
1. Benjamin Hopson House: 261 S. 20th Street: Around 1890-1973: Unknown reason for demolition. The site has remained a vacant lot.
Twenty-first Street
1. Harriet Laff House: 270 S. 21st Street: Around 1900-1986: Demolished due to poor condition. The site remains vacant.