Infrastructure Projects

Infrastructure projects Columbus

This page details infrastructure projects in and around Columbus. These include sidewalks, multi-use paths, transit, street rebuilds and other types of infrastructure. Years are the expected completion dates. All infrastructure projects are listed as New, Expansion or Rebuild. New are any projects in which the infrastructure did not exist previously, Expansion is for any projects that build upon existing infrastructure, and Rebuild is for existing infrastructure that is being rebuilt, renovated or improved. Categories of infrastructure types are as follows: Bike, Pedestrian, Road, Transit, Mixed or Other.
Bolded projects are recently added.

*Lasted Updated: 3/3/2025- Added to Fourth Street, McComb Road, Mt Vernon Avenue and McNaughten Road.

Planned Projects

Agler Road
2027- New/Rebuild Pedestrian/Other: Agler Road between Sunbury Road and Cassady Avenue: $1.9 Million

Avery Road
2028- New/Rebuild Mixed: Avery Road between Hayden Run Road and Avery Run Road: $17 Million

Barnett Road
2027- New Pedestrian/Other: Barnett Road between Astor Avenue and Main Street: $1.4 Million

Broad Street
2028- New/Rebuild Mixed: East Broad Street Phase 2 between Outerbelt Street and Reynoldsburg-New Albany Road: $19.5 Million
2026- New/Rebuild Mixed: West Broad Street and Doherty Road: $3.2 Million
2027- New/Rebuild Mixed: West Broad Street between Grant Avenue and Rockbrook Crossing Avenue: LinkUS Bus Rapid Transit Line: Unknown

Cassady Avenue
2029- New/Rebuild Mixed: Cassady Avenue between 7th Avenue and Plaza Properties Avenue: $7.8 Million
2026- Rebuild Mixed- Cassady Avenue between Delmar Drive and 7th Avenue: $12.8 Million

Downtown (General)
2026- New/Rebuild Mixed: Downtown Area: Columbus Capital Line: $100 Million
This project is described as “a 2-mile loop, exclusive to pedestrian and bike traffic,” that would be “dotted with public art and other experiences.”

Dresden Street
2025- New/Rebuild Pedestrian/Other: Dresden Street between E. Hudson Stret and Weber Road: $750,000
This project scope consists of constructing sidewalks along the west side of Dresden Street. Installation of the sidewalks will include curb ramps, drive approaches, curb, retaining walls, and may include stormwater drainage improvements in select areas.

Fifth Avenue
2026- Rebuild Road/Other: East 5th Avenue between Wall Street and North 5th Street: $685,000

Fourth Street
2027- Renovation Infrastructure: 4th Street at 19th Avenue: $900,000
2026- Renovation Bike: N. 4th Street between Warren and E. Hudson Street: $1.1 Million
Gantz Road
2025- Rebuild Mixed: Gantz Road Bridge over I-270: $1.2 Million

Georgesville Road
2027- Rebuild Mixed: Georgesville Road between I-270 and the Camp Chase Railroad Crossing: $1.2 Million
2026- New/Rebuild Mixed: Georgesville Road between Sullivant Avenue and Parkwick Drive: $5.7 Million

Greenlawn Avenue
2028- New/Rebuild Mixed: Greenlawn Avenue and Thurman Avenue at High Street: $1.9 Million

Hamilton Road
2028- New/Rebuild Mixed: Hamilton Road between 161 and Central College Road: $20.9 Million

Harrisburg Pike
2029- Rebuild Other: Harrisburg Pike at Brown Road: $1.2 Million

Hiawatha Park Drive
2025- New/Rebuild Nixed: Hiawatha Park Drive between Velma Avenue and Hudson Street: $2 Million
This project consists of the design and construction of pedestrian and bikeway improvements along Hiawatha Park Drive from its southern terminus at the intersection with Silver Drive/Velma Avenue south of I-71 to E. Hudson Street. A shared-use path will be added on the east side of Hiawatha Park Drive within the project limits. Sidewalk will also be added on the west side of Hiawatha Park Drive within the project limits wherever sidewalk does not currently exist or is in disrepair.

High Street
2027- Rebuild Mixed: South High Street at Dering Avenue: $950,000
2026- New/Rebuild Mixed: High Street at Hinman Avenue: Unknown
This project includes a pedestrian crosswalk, pedestrian island, a median, pedestrian beacons and curb extensions.

Hilliard-Rome Road
2031- Expansion/Rebuild Road: Hilliard-Rome Road at Renner Road: $8 Million

Indianola Avenue
2025- Rebuild Bike: Indianola Avenue between North Broadway Avenue and Oakland Park Avenue: $2.3 Million
2026- Rebuild Pedestrian: Indianola Avenue at Chittenden Avenue: Unknown
This project includes a pedestrian crosswalk, pedestrian island, a median, pedestrian beacons and curb extensions.

Lazelle Road
2026- Rebuild Pedestrian: Lazelle Road at Seattle Avenue: Unknown
This project includes a pedestrian crosswalk, pedestrian island, a median, pedestrian beacons and curb extensions.

Linden and Northland Neighborhoods
2027- New Mixed: Rail Corridor between Windsor Avenue and Cooper Road: Linden Green Line Rail to Park Conversion: Unknown

Livingston Avenue
2030- New/Rebuild Mixed: Livingston Avenue between Alum Creek Trail and James Road: $17 Million
2026- Rebuild Pedestrian Renovation Infrastructure: Livingston Avenue at Kennedy Drive: Unknown
This project includes a pedestrian crosswalk, pedestrian island, a median, pedestrian beacons and curb extensions.
2026- Rebuild Pedestrian: Livingston Avenue at Elderwood Avenue and Vilardo Lane: Unknown
This project includes a pedestrian crosswalk, pedestrian island, a median, pedestrian beacons and curb extensions.
2026- Rebuild Pedestrian: Livingston Avenue at Coburg Road: Unknown
This project includes a pedestrian crosswalk, pedestrian island, a median, pedestrian beacons and curb extensions.

Lockbourne Road
2027- Rebuild Other: Lockbourne Road between Watkins Road and SR104: $1.5 Million

Main Street
2030- Renovation/New Mixed: Main BRT Corridor: Unknown
This projects involves an 18-station, dedicated-lane BRT route, as well as pedestrian and road improvements.

McComb Road
2025- Rebuild Mixed: McComb Road over I-270: $700,000

McNaughten Road
2030- Rebuild Mixed: McNaughten Road between East Main and East Broad: $8.5 Million

Mt Vernon Avenue
2027- Rebuild Mixed: Mt Vernon Avenue between St. Clair Avenue and Champion Avenue: $5 Million

**Not updated below this point**

Parsons Avenue
2026- Renovation Infrastructure: Parsons Avenue at Moler Avenue
This project includes a pedestrian crosswalk, pedestrian island, a median, pedestrian beacons and curb extensions.
2026- Renovation Infrastructure: Parsons Avenue at Columbus Street
This project includes a pedestrian crosswalk, pedestrian island, a median, pedestrian beacons and curb extensions.
2026- Renovation Infrastructure: Parsons Avenue at Kossuth Street
This project includes a pedestrian crosswalk, pedestrian island, a median, pedestrian beacons and curb extensions.
2026- Renovation Infrastructure: Parsons Avenue at Deshler Avenue
This project includes a pedestrian crosswalk, pedestrian island, a median, pedestrian beacons and curb extensions.
2026- Renovation Infrastructure: Parsons Avenue at Harland Drive
This project includes a pedestrian crosswalk, pedestrian island, a median, pedestrian beacons and curb extensions.

Refugee Road
2024- New Infrastructure: Refugee Road: $3.1 Million
This project scope consists of constructing sidewalk along the north side of Refugee Road from Noe-Bixby Road to Blue Moon Drive and the south side of Refugee Road from Noe-Bixby Road to the existing sidewalk just west of Glenbriar Street. Installation of the sidewalk will include curb ramps, drive approaches, curb, and may include stormwater drainage improvements in select areas.

Sancus Boulevard
2027- New/Renovation Infrastructure: Sancus Boulevard: $8.7 Million
This project consists of design of complete street improvements to Sancus Boulevard from Worthington Woods Boulevard to Lazelle Road. Improvements include pavement widening to add a center turn lane where necessary, pavement rehabilitation, shared use path, sidewalk, traffic signal replacements, and street lighting. This task order contract also includes design of 540002-100113 Bikeway – Sancus Boulevard SUP – Worthington-Galena Road to Worthington Woods Boulevard.

Second Avenue
2024- Renovation Infrastructure: 2nd Avenue: $6.1 Million
This project is situated primarily within Columbus’ Milo-Grogan neighborhood. The project improves 2nd Avenue from approximately 6th Street to St. Claire Avenue. This project will replace the deteriorating sidewalk, curb and curb ramps within the project limits. New curb extensions will be constructed along the north side of 2nd Avenue to better define the travel and parking lanes. The curb extensions will shorten the distance the pedestrian will have to cross the roadway and will provide more visibility to the traveling motorist that there is a pedestrian crossing. Between 6th Avenue and Grant Avenue, this project will repair existing retaining walls, construct new cast in place retaining walls as needed or remove the walls where grading provides this feasibility. Permeable pavers with underground storage will be installed in the parking lane and will improve the existing drainage conditions. New lighting throughout the corridor with underground circuits including pedestrian lighting. 2nd Avenue will be resurfaced with new striping. Painted bike sharrows with be provided along 2nd Avenue from 4th Street to St. Claire Avenue.

Seventeenth Avenue
2029- Renovation Infrastructure: 17th Avenue between I-71 and Billiter Boulevard: $7.3 Million

Sinclair Road
2024- Renovation Infrastructure: Sinclair Road: $3.1 Million
This project scope consists of installing new sidewalk along both sides of Sinclair Road from Morse Road to Strimple Avenue. Uncurbed portions of Sinclair Road will be revised to improve stormwater conveyance. To accomplish the above goals; the project will impact, require improvements to, or require new facilities of the following for at least a portion of the project limits: pavement, curb, roadside grading, shoulders, ADA facilities, maintenance of traffic, traffic control, utilities and stormwater facilities, and temporary and permanent right‐of‐way acquisition.

Souder Avenue
2025- New Infrastructure/Recreation: Souder Avenue between W. Broad Street and Dublin Road: Multi-Use Trail and Bridge: $5 Million

South Side
2027- New/Expansion Recreation: South Side: Scioto Greenways Expansion: Unknown

Stelzer Road
2026- Renovation Infrastructure: Stelzer Road at Transit Drive
This project includes a pedestrian crosswalk, pedestrian island, a median, pedestrian beacons and curb extensions.

Projects Under Construction

Courtright Road
2025- New Pedestrian/Other: Courtright Road between Refugee Road and Groves Road: $1.4 Million

Front Street
2025- Renovation Infrastructure: Front Street: $9.4 Million
This project consists of converting Front Street from Broad Street to Hickory Street and Marconi Boulevard from Broad Street to Spring Street to two-way operation. Upgrade all signals within the project limits to decorative downtown standard. Project includes installation of new granite curb, buff wash sidewalk, street and pedestrian lighting, enhanced pedestrian crossings and landscaping beds.

Georgesville Road
2025- Rebuild Mixed: Georgesville Road at Hall Road: $2.7 Million

Grace Street
2025- New Pedestrian: Grace Street between Orel Avenue and Eureka Avenue: $2.7 Million
This project will install sidewalks along Grace Street between Orel Avenue and Eureka Avenue. The sidewalks will be located as follows: From Orel Ave to Warren Ave the sidewalk will be installed on the south side of Grace Street and from Warren Ave to Eureka Ave the sidewalk will be located along the north side of Grace Street.

International Gateway
2026- New Infrastructure: 4600 International Gateway: Taxiway C Relocation: $25 Million

Medina Avenue
2025- New Infrastructure: Medina Avenue: $750,000
This project scope consists of constructing sidewalks along the west side of Medina Avenue from Linden Park Drive to Weber Road. Installation of the sidewalk will include curb ramps, drive approaches, curb, retaining walls, and may include stormwater drainage improvements in select areas.

Northtowne Boulevard
2025- New Infrastructure: Northtowne Boulevard: $540,000
This project will install sidewalk and fill in gaps along both sides of Northtowne Boulevard from Morse Road to Jonathon Court.

Sharbot Drive
2025- New Infrastructure: Sharbot Drive: $540,000
This project will install sidewalk and fill in gaps along both sides of Sharbot Drive from west of Carahan Road to Carahan Road.

Tussing Road
2025- New Infrastructure: Tussing Road
This project will add shared-use path along the south side of Tussing Road from Brice Road to Hines Road. Enhanced pedestrian crossings will be provided at Americana Parkway (west intersection) and at the Tussing Elementary School. Sidewalk will be added on the north side of Tussing Road between John Steven Way and Penobscot Boulevard to facilitate access to the enhanced pedestrian crossings.

Walford Street
2025- New Infrastructure: Walford Street: $540,000
This project will install sidewalk and fill in gaps along both sides of Walford Street from Belcher Drive to Morse Road.