This page has before and after photos for Hilltop historic buildings. The buildings are organized in alphabetical order by street name.
Last updated: 9/1/2024- Added to Richardson Avenue.
Existing Buildings
Broad Street
1. William Smith House: 2456 W. Broad Street: Around 1890: Although this house technically still exists, major renovations and expansions have left it unrecognizable.
2. Hague Avenue Elementary: 2744 W. Broad Street: 1910
3. Masonic Temple: 2925 W. Broad Street: 1925
Burgess Avenue
1. Ethel Nicely House: 249 S. Burgess Avenue: 1915
2. James Chambers House: 253 S. Burgess Avenue: 1922
Clarendon Avenue
1. Dora Storer House: 46-48 Clarendon Avenue: 1914
2. Lena Bainter House: 115 Clarendon Avenue: 1888
Columbian Avenue
1. Clarence Gall House: 281 Columbian Avenue: 1924
Doren Avenue
1. Merle Ashcraft House: 1946 Doren Avenue: 1924
2. Ray Fiscus House: 1992 Doren Avenue: 1924
Eldon Avenue
1. Armintha Smith House: 22 Eldon Avenue: 1921
2. William Riddile House: 23 Eldon Avenue: 1918
3. John Bieber House: 116 Eldon Avenue: 1916
4. Harry Lowrie House: 275 Eldon Avenue: 1920
Eureka Avenue
1. Residential Building: 100-112 S. Eureka Avenue: Around 1915
2. William McLane House: 110 N. Eureka Avenue: 1922
3. Thomas Abernethy House: 145 N. Eureka Avenue: 1903
4. John LeDaird House: 215 N. Eureka Avenue: 1923
5. Oscar Murdock House: 216 N. Eureka Avenue: 1922
6. Bernard Anthony House: 227 N. Eureka Avenue: 1925
7. Raymond Snyder House: 250 N. Eureka Avenue: 1926
8. Emmett Hoover House: 254 N. Eureka Avenue: 1926
9. Erwin Price House: 268 S. Eureka Avenue: 1924
10. William Murdick House: 734 S. Eureka Avenue: 1927
11. Charles Holliday House: 763 S. Eureka Avenue: 1928
12. Hazel Davis House: 768 S. Eureka Avenue: 1928
13. George Sweeney House: 772 S. Eureka Avenue: 1928
Hague Avenue
1. Mabel Steele House: 91 N. Hague Avenue: 1926
2. Leo Holtscholte House: 94-96 N. Hague Avenue: Around 1915
3. Charles Turner House: 124 N. Hague Avenue: 1926
Haldy Avenue
1. Residential House: 92-94 N. Haldy Avenue: 1925
Harris Avenue
1. Friends Rescue Home: 73 N. Harris Avenue: 1904
Highland Avenue
1. Residential Building: 326-332 S. Highland Avenue: Around 1915
2. Bert Ferguson House: 334 S. Highland Avenue: 1924
Hilltonia Avenue
1. Harry Gease House: 607 Hilltonia Avenue: 1927
Huron Avenue
1. Kathryn Olmstead House: 75 N. Huron Avenue: 1927
2. Mayson Hayhurst House: 111 N. Huron Avenue: 1927
3. Cora Hayhurst House: 128 N. Huron Avenue: 1927
4. Denver Larrick House: 465 S. Huron Avenue: 1928
Larcomb Avenue
1. Thelma Marshall House: 557 Larcomb Avenue: 1929
Lechner Avenue
1. George Harper House: 145 Lechner Avenue: Around 1915
2. Florence McKenzie House: 168 Lechner Avenue: 1922
3. Hazel Sager House: 171-173 Lechner Avenue: 1920
4. Lillie Watrous House: 172-174 Lechner Avenue: 1924
5. Anna Larkin House: 177 Lechner Avenue: Around 1910
6. Augusta Seaman House: 178 Lechner Avenue: 1922
7. Ernest Case House: 197-199 Lechner Avenue: 1925
8. Jerome Kline House: 205 Lechner Avenue: Around 1915
9. Earle Anderson House: 252 Lechner Avenue: 1919
10. William Murray House: 338 Lechner Avenue: Around 1920
Midland Avenue
1. Elizabeth Froggatt House: 166 Midland Avenue: Around 1900
Nashoba Avenue
1. Mary Doyle House: 157 Nashoba Avenue: 1928
Oakley Avenue
1. Silas Seeds House: 41 N. Oakley Avenue: Around 1905
2. Blanche McCarty House: 48 S. Oakley Avenue: 1922
3. Mona Hilliard House: 63 N. Oakley Avenue: Around 1905
4. Laura Doty House: 66 N. Oakley Avenue: 1921
5. Artie Warren House: 73 N. Oakley Avenue: 1926
6. Anna Evans House: 97 N. Oakley Avenue: 1921
7. James Chambers House: 98 N. Oakley Avenue: 1920
8. Joseph Krause House: 108 N. Oakley Avenue: 1913
9. Theophilus Monett House: 119 S. Oakley Avenue: 1915
10. Maxwell Major House: 128 N. Oakley Avenue: 1926
11. Edna Ansel House: 153 N. Oakley Avenue: Around 1915
12. May Schott House: 202 N. Oakley Avenue: 1928
13. Elizabeth Gibson House: 209 N. Oakley Avenue: 1927
14. Edward Harris House: 210 N. Oakley Avenue: 1923
Ogden Avenue
1. Howard Calhoun House: 40-42 N. Ogden Avenue: 1922
2. William Bauermeister House: 338 S. Ogden Avenue: 1909
3. Thekza Schmid House: 366 S. Ogden Avenue (Left): Around 1915/Rose Morgan House: 370 S. Ogden Avenue (Right): Around 1910
4. Bertha Savage House: 382 S. Ogden Avenue: 1928
5. Jessie Lanthorn House: 386 S. Ogden Avenue: Around 1910
6. Carl McWhirter House: 681 S. Ogden Avenue: 1927
Powell Avenue
1. David Morgan House: 37-39 N. Powell Avenue: 1924
2. Robert Cornelius House: 125 N. Powell Avenue: 1924
3. Carl Schumann House: 135 N. Powell Avenue: 1924
4. William Taylor House: 151 N. Powell Avenue: 1924
Powhatan Avenue
1. Lewis Amarine House: 46 Powhatan Avenue: 1929
2. Horatio Creith House: 129 Powhatan Avenue: 1929
Racine Avenue
1. Jessie Calvert House: 660 Racine Avenue: 1929
2. Anna Drake House: 666 Racine Avenue: 1928
3. Blanche Thompson House: 686 Racine Avenue: 1929
Richardson Avenue
1. Frank Allen House: 38 S. Richardson Avenue: Around 1915

Ridge Avenue
1. Jesse Cruikshank House: 2521-2523 Ridge Avenue: 1928
2. Sylvia Neal House: 2539 Ridge Avenue: 1928
Roys Avenue
1. Winifred Schwartz House: 223 S. Roys Avenue: 1929
2. Harold Crosby House: 235 S. Roys Avenue: 1926
Springmont Avenue
1. Leota Trapp House: 2169 Springmont Avenue: Around 1900
2. Welland Staley House: 2272 Springmont Avenue: 1926
Steele Avenue
1. Evelyn Shannon House: 2751 Steele Avenue: 1922
Sullivant Avenue
1. Rosina Gerhart House: 1817 Sullivant Avenue: 1924
2. Daniel Schlicher House: 1823 Sullivant Avenue: 1924
3. Harold Broome House: 1827 Sullivant Avenue: 1923
4. William Trott House: 1837 Sullivant Avenue: 1923
5. Residential Building: 1845 Sullivant Avenue: 1928
6. Ralph Stansell House: 1924 Sullivant Avenue: 1920
7. William Whitt House: 1960 Sullivant Avenue: 1920
8. John Burroughs Elementary School: 2585 Sullivant Avenue: 1921
Terrace Avenue
1. Adam Emig House: 85-87 N. Terrace Avenue: 1890
2. George Bretz House: 100 N. Terrace Avenue: 1915
3. Roy Ellison House: 160 S. Terrace Avenue: 1923
4. August Achatz House: 215 S. Terrace Avenue: 1928
5. Andrew Schatz House: 244 N. Terrace Avenue: 1923
Warren Avenue
1. Dora McMeekin House: 28-30 N. Warren Avenue: 1920
2. William Dennis House: 92 S. Warren Avenue: 1911
Wheatland Avenue
1. Jennie Francis House: 85 S. Wheatland Avenue: 1916
2. Gideon Bowser House: 86 S. Wheatland Avenue: 1915
3. Frank Miller House: 106 S. Wheatland Avenue: Around 1900
4. Ezra Hill House: 110 S. Wheatland Avenue: 1915
5. Florence Feazell House: 174 S. Wheatland Avenue: Around 1910
6. Edith Evans House: 552 S. Wheatland Avenue: 1924
Woodbury Avenue
1. Charles Johnson House: 494 Woodbury Avenue: 1928
2. Wilbur Stone House: 498 Woodbury Avenue: 1928
3. Fred Price House: 526 Woodbury Avenue: 1928
Wrexham Avenue
1. Roy Edwards House: 633 Wrexham Avenue: 1929
Demolished Buildings
Broad Street
1. Columbus State Hospital: 1960 W. Broad Street: 1873-1987: Once the largest building under one roof in the United States, this massive hospital served most of its life as some sort of mental institution, though under a variety of names. It had fallen out of use by the 1980s and was in a state of deterioration. Despite opposition and preservation efforts, costs to renovate the structure into other uses was considered impractical at the time. Today, the site is home to the Ohio BMV, though most of the original building’s footprint is either parking lots or green space.
2. Chemical House #1: 2105 W. Broad Street: 1897-1975: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site was vacant for many years before becoming the Hilltop Community Park.
3. Eldon Smith House: 2488 W. Broad Street: 1899-1971: Demolished by Hillcrest Baptist Church for a parking lot that remains to the present day.
4. William Van Sickle House: 2800 W. Broad Street: 1897-1910: This house only lasted 13 years. The school board bought the land to build the Hague Avenue Elementary School, completed in 1910.
5. Four Mile House Tavern and Inn: 2904 W. Broad Street: Around 1836-1913: Originally built to serve travelers along the National Road, the building was used as the headquarters of Camp Chase during the Civil War. It continued to serve as an inn and tavern into the early 1900s. Unknown reason for demolition.
Doren Avenue
1. Fred Wheston House: 1989 Doren Avenue: Around 1910-2013: Demolished for unknown reasons, but probably due to poor condition. The site remains vacant.
Eureka Avenue
1. James Murnane House: 149 N. Eureka Avenue: Around 1915-2013: Abandoned for years, and poor condition led to its eventual demolition. The site remains vacant.
Fremont Street
1. William Dohrmann House: 3475 Fremont Street: Around 1910-1987: Seems to have been demolished by the church that bought the property in 1983. The site remains vacant.
Hague Avenue
1. Columbus Metropolitan Library Hilltop Branch: 21 N. Hague Avenue: 1928-1999: Demolished to build the existing Walgreens.
Lechner Avenue
1. Eugenia Jones House: 130 Lechner Avenue: Around 1905-2015: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site remains vacant.
2. Roy Taylor House: 181 Lechner Avenue: Around 1910-2016: Demolished for unknown reasons, but likely due to condition. The lot remains vacant.
Oakley Avenue
1. Linnie Thomas House: 45 S. Oakley Avenue: Around 1905-2021: Demolished after a fire severely damaged the structure.
2. Fred Martin House: 167 N. Oakley Avenue: Around 1915-2015: Demolished due to poor condition. The site is now vacant.
3. Residential House: 184 S. Oakley Avenue: Around 1900-Around 1975: Demolished for unknown reasons, but the site has been vacant since demolition.
Sullivant Avenue
1. Residential House: 2224 Sullivant Avenue: 1910-1967: Demolished to build a parking lot.
A deeper dive into the history of Hilltop is available.