Columbus Proposed Development

Columbus proposed development

This page details Columbus proposed development. New proposals are constantly popping up in this fast-changing city, so this page will be updated regularly.

Projects are listed under the following information:
1. The name of the street the projects fall under.
2. The year of expected completion.
3. The status of the project. This will include the categories of New, Renovation or Expansion.
4. The type of project. These will include the categories of Office, Residential, Commercial, Mixed-Use, Hotel, Education, Health, Recreation or Other.
5. The specific address of the project, if known or applicable.
6. The name of the project, if known or applicable.
7. The cost of the project, if known.
8. The number of residential units, if known or applicable.
9. The height in the number of stories, if known or applicable.
10. A link to the project’s announcement, if available.

Bolded projects were added within the past 30 days.

Last Updated: 2/1/2025- Added to Chicago Avenue, Cleveland Avenue, Dearborn Drive, Demorest Road, Distribution Drive, Fisher Road, Fulton Street, Gault Street, Georgesville Road, Gerrard Avenue, Gilbert Street, High Street, Mt Vernon Avenue, Oakland Avenue, Olentangy River Road, Outerbelt Street, Reliance Street, Virginia Avenue and Whitethorne Avenue.

All Projects Within I-270

Allegheny Avenue
2025- New Residential: 3150 Allegheny Avenue: Broadleigh Lofts: $24 Million: 84 Units: 3 Stories

Alum Creek Drive
2024- New Office/Other: 1692 Alum Creek Drive: Cohen-Merchant Building: Unknown: 2 Stories

Atcheson Street
2025- New Health- 1544 Atcheson Street: OSU Rehabilitation Facility: Unknown: 2 Stories

Azelda Street
2025- New Residential: 2464 Azelda Street: Duplex Project: Unknown: Unknown: 2 Units

Beechcroft Road
2024- New Residential: 6000 Beechcroft Road: Residential Project: Unknown: 46 Units: 3 Stories

Bethesda Avenue
2025- New Residential: 2618 Bethesda Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 220 Units: 4 Stories

Blazer Parkway
2025- New Residential: 5180 Blazer Parkway: Ashland Multifamily: Unknown: 300 Units: 4 Stories

Brentnell Avenue
2025- New Residential: 1456 Brentnell Avenue: Brentnell Pointe: Unknown: 76 Units: 4 Stories

Broad Street
2025- Renovation Residential: 100 E. Broad Street: Chase Tower Conversion: Unknown: 253 Units
2025- New Mixed-Use: 345 W. Broad Street: The Peninsula Phase II: $290 Million: 300 Units: 24 Stories
Columbus proposed development Peninsula II
2026- New Mixed-Use: 397 W. Broad Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 534 Units: 15 Stories
2025- New Mixed-Use: 491 W. Broad Street: Greenhouse/Gravity Phase III: Unknown: 322 Units: 7 Stories

2025- Renovation Mixed-Use: 540 W. Broad Street: Engine House #6 Renovation: $500,000
2024- New Residential: 600 E. Broad Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 19 Units: 4 Stories- Likely Canceled

2025- New Mixed-Use: 630 W. Broad Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 144 Units: 7 Stories
Columbus proposed development 630 W. Broad Street
2025- New Mixed-Use: 642 W. Broad Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: Unknown
2025- New Residential: 1100 W. Broad Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 36 Units: 3 Stories- May be Canceled.
2025- New Residential: 1325 W. Broad Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 50 Unites: 3 Stories
2025- Renovation Retail: 1945-1947 W. Broad Street: Retail Project: Unknown
2025- New Mixed Use: 4311 W. Broad Street: Weston Town Centre: Unknown: Unknown
2027- New Transportation/Office: 5801 W. Broad Street: COTA Broad Street BRT Terminal: Unknown

Camden Avenue
2025- New Residential: 1160 Camden Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 217 Units: 4 Stories

Carpenter Street
2025- New Residential: 308 Carpenter Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 8 Units: 3 Stories
Columbus proposed development 308 Carpenter Street

Cassady Avenue
2025- New Mixed-Use: 420 N. Cassady Avenue: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: Unknown: Unknown- Likely Canceled
2026- New Hotel: 2900 Cassady Avenue: Hyatt Hotel: Unknown: Unknown

Castle Road
2026- New Residential: 106 W. Castle Road: Multi-Family Project: Unknown: 150 Units: 3 Stories

Chesapeake Avenue
2025- New Residential: 1205 Chesapeake Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 128 Units: 5 Stories
2025- New Residential: 1480 Chesapeake Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 4 Units: 2 Stories

Chicago Avenue
2025- New Residential: 157-159 Chicago Avenue: Duplex Project: Uknown: 2 Units: 2 Stories New Residential: 175-177 Chicago Avenue: Duplex Project: Unknown: 2 Units: 2 Stories

Children’s Drive
2028- New Health: 700 Children’s Drive: Nationwide Children’s Hospital Tower 2: $1-$1.5 Billion: 15 Stories

Cleveland Avenue
2026- New Education: 230 Cleveland Avenue: CSCC Health Science Building: $66.5 Million: 4 Stories
2025- New/Renovation Mixed-Use: 457 Cleveland Avenue: Kroger Bakery Site Redevelopment: Unknown: 448 Units: 5 Stories

The Kroger Bakery site rendering.

2025- Renovation Education: 510 Cleveland Avenue: Building 66 Fort Hayes: Unknown
2026- Expansion Office/Other: 1011 Cleveland Avenue: Rogue Fitness: Unknown New Mixed-Use: 1407 Cleveland Avenue: CMHA Gateway: Unknown: 114 Units: 2 Stories
2025- Renovation Residential: 1573 Cleveland Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: Unknown
2025- New Mixed-Use- 2433 Cleveland Avenue: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: Unknown
2025- New Residential: 5869 Cleveland Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 41 Units: 2 Stories
2025- New Residential: 6050 Cleveland Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 10 Units: 3 Stories

Columbian Avenue
2025- Renovation Recreation: 480 Coulmbian Avenue: Hauntz Park Renovation: Unknown

Distribution Drive
2025- New Commercial: 900-956 Distribution Drive: Warehouse Project: Unknown: 1 Story

Dublin-Granville Road
2025- Renovation Residential: 888 E. Dublin-Granville Road: Hotel Conversion: Unknown: 180 Unit
2025- Renovation Residential: 1300 E. Dublin-Granville Road: Hotel Conversion: Unknown: 105 Units
2025- New Residential: 2424 W. Dublin-Granville Road: Residential Project: Unknown: 162 Units: 3 Stories

Dublin Road
2025- New Residential: 4747 Dublin Road: Rock Run: Unknown: 232 Units: 3 Stories
2025- New Mixed-Use: 6775 Dublin Road: Cardinal South: Unknown: 815 Units: 5 Stories

Eastpointe Drive
2025- New Residential: 4323 Eastpointe Drive: Residential Project: Unknown: 82 Units: Unknown

Eighteenth Street
2025- New Residential: 704 S. 18th Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 5 Units: 3 Stories

Elaine Road
2025- New Other: 1530 Elaine Road: Vision of Breath With Life Ministries Church: Unknown: 1 Story

Fair Avenue
2025- New Residential: 1309-1319 Fair Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 6 Units: 3 Stories

Federated Boulevard
2025- New Mixed-Use: 6800 Federated Boulevard: Dublin Village Center: Unknown: 301 Units: 6 Stories</a

Columbus proposed development 6800 Federated Boulevard

Dublin Village Center proposal.

Ferris Road
2025- New Residential: 2476 Ferris Road: Residential Project: Unknown: 24 Units: 2 Stories

Fifteenth Avenue
2025- New Mixed-Use: 207-215 E. 15th Avenue: Schottenstein Chabad House: Unknown: 8 Units: 4 Stories

Fifth Avenue
2026- New Mixed-Use: 200 E. 5th Avenue: Weinland Park Apartments: Unknown: 186 Units: 7 Stories
2025- Mixed-Use: 1010 W. 5th Avenue: 5th and Gerrard Apartment: Unknown: 208 Units: 5 Stories

Columbus proposed development 1010 W. 5th Avenue

1010 W. 5th project.

2025- New Mixed-Use: 1174 W. 5th Avenue: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 26 Units: 4 Stories
2025- New Residential: 2006 E. 5th Avenue: Brentnell Townhouses: Unknown: 8 Units: 2 Stories
2025- Renovation Office/Entertainment: 4924 E. 5th Avenue: Ohio Air and Space Hall of Fame and Museum: $3 Million
2025- Renovation Residential: 2080 E. 5th Avenue: Apartment Renovation: Unknown: 9 Units

Fifth Street
2025- Renovation Medical: 81 S. 5th Street: Volunteers of America Behavioral Health Center: $1.6 Million

First Avenue
2025- New Other: 776 E. 1st Avenue: Warehouse Project: Unknown: 1 Story

Fisher Road
2025- New Commercial: 5440 Fisher Road: Dispensary Project: Unknown: 1 Story

Fishinger Road
2025- New Residential: 2790 Fishinger Road: Scioto Villas: Unknown: 15 Units: 2 Stories

Fourth Avenue
2025- New Residential: 295 E. 4th Avenue: Bethany Flats: Unknown: 50 Units: 3 Stories

Fourth Street
2025- New Mixed-Use: 1020 N. 4th Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 53 Units: 5 Stories

Forest Green Court
2025- New Residential: 2480 Forest Green Court: Residential Project: Unknown: 108 Units: 2 Stories

Fourth Street
2025- New Mixed-Use: 33 S. 4th Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 221 Units: 12 Stories
2025- New Mixed-Use: 724 N. 4th Street: Jeffrey Park Final Phase: Unknown: 263 Units: 5 Stories

Franklin Avenue
2025- New Residential: 1161 Franklin Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 7 Units: 3 Stories
2024- New Residential: 1442 Franklin Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 3 Units: 3 Stories

Front Street
2025- Renovation Mixed-Use: 145 S. Front Street: The Civic: $73.3 Million: 100 Units
2025- New/Renovation Mixed-Use: 843 S. Front Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 100 Units
2025- New Residential: 1070 S. Front Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 4 Units: Unknown

Fulton Street
2025- New Mixed-Use: 340 E. Fulton Street: Elevate 340: Unknown: 68 Unites: 5 Stories

Elevate 340 rendering.

2025- New Residential: 1334 E. Fulton Street: Triplex Project: Unknown: 3 Units: 2 Stories

Garfield Avenue
2025- New Mixed-Use: 25 S. Garfield Avenue: The Cumberland: Unknown: 51 Units: 6 Stories
Columbus proposed development 251 S. Garfield Avenue

Gault Street
2025- New Residential: 1637-1639 Gault Street: Duplex Project: Unknown: 2 Units: 2 Stories

Gay Street
2025- New Mixed-Use: 347 E. Gay Street: Artem on Gay: Unknown: 78 Units: 6 Stories

Gerrard Avenue
2026- New Residential: 1501 Gerrard Avenue: The Gerry: Unknown: 270 Units: 5 Stories

Gilbert Street
2025- New Residential: 969-971 Gilbert Street: Duplex Project: Unknown: 2 Units: 2 Stories

Glenwood Avenue
2026- New Mixed-Use: 278 S. Glenwood Avenue: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 169 Units: 20 Stories*
*Although the article calls for an 11-story building, recent information suggests the developer will go for a larger project on this site.

Grandview Avenue
2025- New Mixed-Use: 1229-1237 Grandview Avenue: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 22 Units: 4 Stories- Project may be dead.

Grant Avenue
2025- New Mixed-Use: 346 S. Grant Avenue: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 220 Units: 7 Stories

Granville Street
2025- New Residential: 1429 Granville Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 4 Units: 2 Stories

Greenway Avenue
2025- New Residential: 1598-1614 Greenway Avenue: Dora Loft Apartments: Unknown: 18 Units: 3 Stories

Hamlet Street
2025- New Residential: 853-857 Hamlet Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 2 Units: 2 Stories

Henderson Road
2025- New Residential: 3720 W. Henderson Road: Residential Project: Unknown: 22 Units: 2 Stories

High Street (Dublin)
2025- New Mixed-Use: 36-38 N. High Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 2 Units: 2 Stories

High Street
2025- New/Renovation Mixed-Use: 175-193 S. High Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: Unknown: 15 Stories
2025- Renovation Mixed-Use: 326 S. High Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 30 Units
2027- New Office- 400 S. High Street: Franklin County Municipal Courthouse: $130 Million: Unknown

2025- New Mixed-Use: 514-518 S. High Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 67 Units: 7 Stories

2025- Renovation/Expansion Mixed-Use: 608 N. High Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown
2026- New Mixed-Use: 1033 N. High Street (Worthington): United Methodist Home Site Redevelopment: Unknown: 730 Units: Unknown
2025- New Mixed-Use: 1174 N. High Street: Garden Building Redevelopment: $25 Million: 60 Units: 10 Stories

Columbus proposed development 1174 N. High Street

1174 N. High proposal.

2025- New Mixed-Use: 1393 N. High Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 57 Units: 6 Stories
Columbus proposed development 1393 N. High Street
2025- New Mixed-Use- 1444 N. High Street: Lantern Square Redevelopment: Unknown: 10 Units: 3 Stories
2025- New Mixed-Use: 1479 N. High Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 209 Units: 15 Stories
2025- New Mixed-Use: 1778 N. High Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 72 Units: 6 Stories

2025- Renovation/Expansion Mixed-Use: 2050 S. High Street: Steelton Village: $350 Million: 1000 Units: 5 Stories
2025- New Mixed-Use: 2166 N. High Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: Unknown: 17 Stories- Likely to be smaller.
2025- New Mixed-Use: 2195 N. High Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 159 Units: 9 Stories
2025- New Residential: 2610 S. High Street: Triplex Project: Unknown: 3 Units: 3 Stories
2025- New Mixed-Use: 2711 N. High Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 80 Units: 6 Stories
Columbus proposed development 2711 N. High Street
2025- New Mixed-Use: 3021 N. High Street: The Loop: Unknown: 45 Units: 5 Stories

Columbus proposed development 3021 High

Rendering of The Loop.

2026- New Mixed-Use : 3236 N. High Street: The Clinton: Unknown: Unknown
2025- New Residential: 3905 S. High Street: Great Southern Apartments: Unknown: 200 Units: Unknown
2025- New Residential: 4086 S. High Street: Residential Complex: Unknown: 302 Units: Unknown

Hubbard Avenue
2025- New Mixed-Use: 21 W. Hubbard Avenue: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 42 Units: 15 Stories

Rendering for 21 W. Hubbard.

Ida Avenue
2025- New Residential: 1324 Ida Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: Unknown: 3 Units

Innis Road
2025- New Mixed-Use: 2150 Innis Road: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: Unknown

Jenkins Avenue
2025- New Residential: 42 W. Jenkins Avenue: Scioto Rise: Unknown: 70 Units: 4 Stories

Kendall Place
2025- New Residential: 333 Kendall Place: Residential Project: Unknown: 4 Units: 3 Stories

Key West Avenue
2025- New Residential: 1286 Key West Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 2 Units: 2 Stories

Kimberly Parkway
2025- New Residential: 2337 Kimberly Parkway: Residential Project: Unknown: 78 Units: Unknown

Kossuth Street
2025- New Residential: 616 E. Kossuth Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 4 Units: 2 Stories

Lane Avenue
2025- New Mixed-Use: 50 W. Lane Avenue: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 159 Units: 9 Stories

Livingston Avenue
2025- New Hotel: 31 E. Livingston Avenue: Boutique Hotel Project: Unknown: 136 Rooms: 5 Stories: Note: This project may be dead after strong NIMBYism.
2025- New Mixed-Use: 247 E. Livingston Avenue: Cedar Square: Unknown: Unknown: 5 Stories New Mixed-Use: 485 E. Livingston Avenue: Shane’s Corner: Unknown: 163 Units: 5 Stories
2025- Renovation Mixed-Use: 1068 E. Livingston Avenue: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: Unknown
2025- New Mixed-Use: 1076 E. Livingston Avenue: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 30 Units: 3 Stories
2025- New Mixed-Use: 2300 E. Livingston Avenue: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: Unknown
2025- New Residential: 3341 E. Livingstone Avenue: Berwyn Place East: $18.6 Million: 88 Units: 3 Stories
2025- Expansion Recreation: 3434 E. Livingston Avenue: CML Barnett Branch: Unknown

Lockbourne Road
2025- New Residential: 2750 Lockbourne Road: Residential Project: Unknown: 27 Units: 2 Stories

Loeffler Avenue
2025- New Residential: 329 Loeffler Avenue: Loeffler Residences: Unknown: 7 Units: 2 Stories

Long Street
2025- Renovation Residential: 40 W. Long Street: YMCA Conversion: Unknown: Unknown
2025- New Residential: 320 E. Long Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 4 Units: 3 Stories
2025- New Residential: 1218-1222 E. Long Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 19 Units: 3 Stories
2025- New Mixed-Use: 1500 E. Long Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 19 Units: 3 Stories

Main Street
2025- New Residential: 204 E. Main Street: The Twofer: Unknown: 60 Units: 7 Stories

Columbus proposed development 204 E. Main Street

Rendering of the Twofer project.

2025- New Residential: 266 E. Main Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 120 Unites: 5 Stories

266 E. Main rendering.

2026- New Recreation/Other: 303 W. Main Street: Columbus Symphony Concert Hall: $275 Million: 3 Stories

2025- Renovation Mixed-Use: 1505 E. Main Street: Mixed-Use Project: $2 Million: 11 Units: 2 Stories
2025- New Mixed-Use: 2184 E. Main Street: Mixed-Use Project: $73 Million: 218 Units: 5 Stories
2025- New Residential: 3515 E. Main Street: Residential Project: Unknown: Unknown: Unknown

Maple Canyon Avenue
2025- New Residential: 6261 Maple Canyon Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 50+ Units: 3 Stories

Maryland Avenue
2025- New Residential: 1750 Maryland Avenue: Connect Housing: Unknown: 74 Units: 3 Stories

McHenry Drive
2025- New Residential: 2700 McHenry Drive: Chatterton Commons Expansion: Unknown: 60 Units: 3 Stories

Medina Avenue
2025- New Residential: 2930 Medina Avenue: Duplex Project: Unknown: Unknown

Metro Place North
2025- New Residential: 590 Metro Place North: Residential Project: Unknown: 160 Units: 5 Stories

Metro Place South
2025- New Mixed-Use: 605 Metro Place South: Three Metro Place: Unknown: 265 Units: 5 Stories

Miami Avenue
2025- New Residential: 35 N. Miami Avenue: Duplex Project: 2 Units: 2 Stories

Michigan Avenue
2025- New Residential: 1275 Michigan Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 5 Units: 2 Stories

Miller Avenue
2025- New Mixed-Use: 678 Miller Avenue: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: Unknown: 3 Stories

Mock Road
2025- New Education: 2334 E. Mock Road: United Academy School: Unknown: 2 Stories
2025- Renovation/New Education: 2400 Mock Road: Cesar Chavez Preparatory Expansion: Unknown: 1 Story

Morse Road
2025- Renovation Education: 1345 Morse Road: Almadina Academy: Unknown
2025- New Residential: 3245 Morse Road: Deer Hill Place: Unknown: 60 Units: 4 Stories

Mound Street
2025- New Residential: 897 E. Mound Street: Knoll View Place: Unknown: 50 Units: 3 Stories
2025- New Mixed-Use: 1055 W. Mound Street: Cooper Stadium Site Redevelopment: Unknown: Unknown

Mt Vernon Avenue
2025- New Mixed-Use: 1110-1138 Mt Vernon Avenue: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 23 Units: 4 Stories
2025- Renovation Mixed-Use: 867 Mt Vernon Avenue: Pythian Temple Theater: Unknown
Nelson Road
2025- New Residential: 888 Nelson Road: Shepard Village: Unknown: 50 Units: Unknown

New England Avenue
2025- New Hotel: 39 W. New England Avenue: Hotel Project: Unknown: 3 Stories

Ninth Avenue
2025- New Residential: 122 W. 9th Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 3 Units: 3 Stories

Ninth Street
2025- New Mixed-Use: 53 S. 9th Street: Topiary Park Phase 4: Unknown: 120 Units: 7 Stories

Oakland Avenue
2025- New Residential: 100 W. Oakland Avenue: West Oakland Apartments: Unknown: 19 Units: 2 Stories

Oak Street
2025- New Residential: 1010 Oak Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 5 Units: 3 Stories
2025- Expansion/Renovation Residential: 1140 Oak Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 8 Units
2025- New Residential: 1235 E. Oak Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 50 Units: 3 Stories
2025- Renovation Retail: 1685 Oak Street: Restaurant Project: Unknown

Oakwood Avenue
2025- New Residential: 848 Oakwood Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: Unknown: 2 Units

Obetz Road
2025- New Residential: 100 Obetz Road: Juniper Crossing: Unknown: 81 Units: 3 Stories

Ohio Avenue
2025- New Residential: 172 S. Ohio Avenue: South Ohio Townhomes: Unknown: 7 Units: 3 Stories

Old Henderson Road
2025- New Residential: 919 Old Henderson Road: Residential Project: Unknown: 69 Units: 3 Stories
2025- New Residential: 980 Old Henderson Road: Residential Project: Unknown: 204 Units: 3 Stories

Olentangy River Road
2027- New Infrastructure: Olentangy River Road: Northwest Corridor BRT Line: Unknown

2025- New Hotel: 1445 Olentangy River Road: Home2 Suites: Unknown: Unknown
2026- New Residential: 3362 Olentangy River Road: Cardington Flats: Unknown: 127 Units: 5 Stories
2029- Expansion Health: 3420 Olentangy River Road: Ohio Health HQ: Unknown: 5 Stories

Olmstead Avenue
2025- Renovation Residential: 1084 Olmstead Avenue: Thornwood Commons Apartments: Unknown

Parkwood Avenue
2025- New Residential: 2084 Parkwood Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 6 Units: 1 Story

Parsons Avenue
2026- New Mixed-Use: 844 Parsons Avenue: Parsons and Kossuth Apartments: Unknown: 90 Units: 5 Stories New Mixed-Use: 921 Parsons Avenue: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 43 Units: 4 Stories

Patterson Avenue
2025- New Residential: 103 E. Patterson Avenue: Residential Project: 2 Units: 2 Stories

Presidential Gateway
2025- Renovation Recreation: 6346 Presidential Gateway: Creation of City Park: Unknown

Reed Road
2025- New Mixed-Use: 5085 Reed Road: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 144 Units: Unknown

Refugee Road
2025- New Recreation: 3900 Refugee Road: East Side Park: Unknown

Rich Street
2026- New Mixed-Use: 175-199 E. Rich Street: The Estella: Unknown: 290 Units: 23 Stories

Columbus proposed development 175-199 E. Rich Street

Rendering of the Estella.

2025- New Residential: 980 E. Rich Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 19 Units: 3 Stories

980 E. Rich

2025- New Residential: 1129 E. Rich Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 4 Units: 3 Stories
2025- New Residential: 1219 E. Rich Street: Rich & Wilson Townhomes: Unknown: 7 Units: 2 Stories
2025- New Residential: 1293 E. Rich Street: Residential Project: 9 Units: Unknown

Riverside Drive
2025- New Mixed-Use: 6480 Riverside Drive: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 9 Stories
2025- New Mixed-Use: 6800 Riverside Drive: Indus Bridge Street: Unknown: 169 Units: 9 Stories

Riverview Street
2025- New Mixed-Use: 29 N. Blacksmith Lane: Riverview Village: Unknown: Unknown

Roche Drive
2025- New Residential: 5860 Roche Drive: Residential Project: Unknown: 145 Units: 5 Stories

Sawyer Boulevard
2026- New Mixed-Use: 529 Sawyer Boulevard: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 400 Units: 4 Stories
Say Avenue
2025- New Residential: 1167 Say Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 2 Units: 3 Stories

Second Avenue
2025- New Residential: 285 E. 2nd Avenue: Apartment Project: Unknown: 175 Units: 5 Stories

2025- New Residential: 325 E. 2nd Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 155 Units: 5 Stories

Sixth Street
2025- Renovation Residential: 80 S. 6th Street: Knights of Columbus and Salesian Boys and Girls Club Building Conversion: Unknown: 75 Units
2025- New Residential: 745 N. 6th Street: Jeffrey Park Phase 10: Unknown: Unknown
2025- New Mixed-Use: 1050 N. 6th Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 50 Units: 3 Stories

Snouffer Road
2025- New Residential: 3470 Snouffer Road: Residential Project: Unknown: 3 Units: 3 Stories

Soldier Street
2025- New Residential: 3791 Soldier Street: Vista Village: Unknown: 42 Units: 2 Stories

Spring Street
2025- New Mixed-Use: 267 E. Spring Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 132 Units: 7 Stories

Columbus proposed development 267 E. Spring Street

Rendering of 267 E. Spring.

2025- New Medical/office: 420 E. Spring Street: OhioHealth Center for Health Sciences: $85 Million: 2 Stories

2025- New Mixed-Use: 434 W. Spring Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: Unknown
2028- New Mixed-Use: 530 W. Spring Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: Unknown: 22 Stories

Spruce Street
2025- New Mixed-Use: 116 W. Spruce Street: Arena District Apartments: Unknown: 6 Units: 7 Stories
Columbus proposed development 116 Spruce Street

Starr Avenue
2025- Renovation Manufacturing/Retail: 440 E. Starr Avenue: Rogue Bike Factory: Unknown

State Street
2025- Renovation Retail: 11-15 W. State Street: Retail Project: Unknown

St. Clair Avenue
2025- New Residential: 494 St. Clair Avenue: The Scarborough: Unknown: 83 Units: 4 Stories
Columbus proposed development 494 St. Clair Avenue

Sullivant Avenue
2025- New Office/Other: 1818 Sullivant Avenue: Columbus Police Station 19: Unknown: Unknown
2025- New/Expansion Mixed-Use: 2500 Sullivant Avenue: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 3 Units: 2 Stories

Sunbury Road
2025- New Residential: 4925 Sunbury Road: Residential Project: Unknown: 327 Units: 4 Stories

Taylor Avenue
2025- New Residential: 319 Taylor Road: Taylor Avenue Apartments: Unknown: 8 Units: Unknown

Third Street
2025- New Mixed-Use: 360 S. 3rd Street: Aspire Columbus: $70 Million: 135 Units: 12 Stories

Thirteenth Avenue
2025- New Retail: 17 E. 13th Avenue: The Block: Unknown: 2 Stores

Thompson Street
2025- New Residential: 6181 Thompson Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 139 Units: 3 Stories

Thurman Avenue
2025- New Residential- 157 Thurman Avenue: Residential Infill: Unknown: 11 Units: 2 Stories

Town Street
2026- New Mixed-Use: 111 E. Town Street: Greyhound Station Site Redevelopment: Unknown: Unknown
2025- Renovation Mixed-Use: 250 E. Town Street: Market-Mohawk Center Renovation: $8.5 Million: 6 Units
2025- New Office: 491 W. Town Street: Triad Architects Offices: Unknown: 2 Stories
2025- New Mixed-Use: 511 W. Town Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: Unknown: 4 Stories
2025- New Residential: 536-550 W. Town Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 5 Units: 2 Stories
2025- New Residential: 602 E. Town Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 24 Units: 3 Stories
2025- New Mixed-Use: 610 W. Town Street: Apartment Project: Unknown: 63 Units: 5 Stories
2025- New Mixed-Use: 640 W. Town Street: White Chapel Apartments: Unknown: 42 Units: 5 Stories
2025- New Recreation: 854 W. Town Street: New City Park: Unknown

Trabue Road
2025- New Residential: 3600 Trabue Road: Residential Development: Unknown: Unknown

Twenty-First Street
2025- New Residential: 295 N. 21st Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 3 Units: 3 Stories

Twin Creeks Drive
2025- New Residential: 3400 Twin Creeks Drive: West Fork Development: Unknown: 216 Units: Unknown

Upper Metro Place
2025- New Mixed-Use: 5055 Upper Metro Place: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 175 Units: 4 Stories

Village Parkway
2025- New Residential: 6801 Village Parkway: Village Parkway: Unknown: 53 Units: 3 Stories

Virginia Avenue
2025- New Residential: 1561 Virginia Avenue: Duplex Project: Unknown: 2 Units: 2 Stories

Washington Avenue
2025- New/Expansion Education: 101 N. Washington Avenue: Battelle Hall: Unknown: 2 Stories

Westerville Road
2025- New Mixed-Use: 3251 Westerville Road: Value City HQ Site Redevelopment: Unknown: 150 Units: Unknown
2025- New Residential: 3680 Westerville Road: Apartment Complex: Unknown: 264 Units: 4 Stories

Weyburn Road
2025- New Residential: 2575 Weyburn Road: Haven’s Edge Apartments: Unknown: 108 Units: 3 Stories
Whittier Street
2025- New Residential: 142 W. Whittier Street: Residential Project: Unknown: 260 Units: 7 Stories
2025- New/Renovation Mixed-Use: 364 E. Whittier Street: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 4 Units: 3 Stories

Whitethorne Avenue
2026- Renovation Recreation: 1100 Whitethorne Avenue: Whitethorne Woods: Unknown

Windsor Avenue
2025- New Other/Office: 1363/1380 Windsor Avenue: Rogue Fitness Strength Project: Unknown: Unknown

Winslow Drive
2025- New Residential: 1974 Winslow Drive: Millbrook Yards: Unknown: Unknown: Unknown

Woodland Avenue
2025- New Residential: 90 Woodland Avenue: Woodland Avenue Apartments: Unknown: 125 Units: 4 Stories

Woodruff Avenue
2025- New Mixed-Use: 127-135 E. Woodruff Avenue: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 17 Units: 3 Stories

Yale Avenue
2025- New Residential: 86 N. Yale Avenue: Residential Project: Unknown: 12 Units: 2 Stories

Yard Street
2025- New Office: 840 Yard Street: 840 Yard Street: Unknown: 3 Stories

All Columbus Projects Outside I-270

Alton Darby Creek Road
2025- New Residential: 400 Alton Darby Creek Road: Residential Project: Unknown: 400 Units: 1 Story

Astor Avenue
2025- New Residential: 6120 Astor Avenue: Niche Senior Housing: Unknown: 75 Units: Unknown

Bixby Road
2025- New Residential: 5656 Bixby Road: Residential Project: Unknown: 504 Units: 3 Stories

Broad Street
2025- Expansion/Renovation Other: 5600 E. Broad Street: Forest Lawn Memorial Mausoleum: Unknown
2025- New Residential: 6155 W. Broad Street: Darby Crossing: Unknown: 260 Units: 3 Stories
2025- New Residential: 6200 E. Broad Street: Laurels of Blacklick: Unknown: 99 Units: 1 Story

Campus View Boulevard
2025- New Residential: 400 E. Campus View Boulevard: Retreat at Crosswoods: Unknown: 396 Units: 5 Stories

Chatterton Road
2025- New Residential: 5971 Chatterton Road: Poplar Fen Place: $11.3 Million: 44 Units: 3 Stories

Dearborn Drive
2025- New Commercial: 1030 Dearborn Drive: Warehouse Project: Unknown: 2 Stories

Demorest Road
2026- New Residential: 2001 Demorest Road: Hudson Crossing: Unknown: Unknown

Dublin-Granville Road
2025- New Hotel: 2980 E. Dublin-Granville Road: Residence Inn: Unknown: 122 Rooms: 5 Stories

Galloway Road
2025- New Mixed-Use: 795 Galloway Road: Parkside Village: Unknown: 552 Units: 3 Stories

Georgesville Road
2026- New Residential: 1595 Georgesville Road: Tessa Place: Unknown: 408 Units: 3 Stories

Hamilton Road
2025- New Residential: 7212 N. Hamilton Road: Souder Farm: Unknown: 190 Units: 3 Stories

Holt Road
2025- New Residential: 2195 Holt Road: Clarkson Apartments: Unknown: 360 Units: 3 Stories
Huntington Park Drive
2025- New Residential: 7500 Huntington Park Drive: Huntington Park Apartments: Unknown: 84 Units: Unknown

Hutchinson Avenue
2025- New Residential: 200 Hutchinson Avenue: Alston Pointe: Unknown: 96 Units: 3 Stories

Lauffer Ravines Drive
2025- New Residential: 2600 Lauffer Ravines Drive: Residential Project: Unknown: 20 Units: 3 Stories

Lidora Drive
2025- New Residential: 4970 Lidora Drive: Tijen Apartments: Unknown: Unknown: 24 Units

Lockbourne Road
2025- New Mixed-Use: 2900 Lockbourne Road: Buckstone Development: $1 Billion: 1000+ Units: Unknown

McNaughten Road
2025- New Resident: 198 McNaughten Road: Residential Project: Unknown: 296 Units: 3 Stories
2025- New Mixed-Use: 1420 McNaughten Road: Oxford Park: Unknown: 552 Units: 4 Stories
2025- New Residential: 1555 McNaughten Road: Residential Project: Unknown: 136 Units: 3 Stories

Olentangy River Road
2025- New Residential: 7809 Olentangy River Road: Solera Ridge: Unknown: 40 Units: Unknown

Outerbelt Street
2025- New Commercial: 385 Outerbelt Street: Continental Warehouse Building: Unknown: 2 Stories

Park Road
2025- New Residential: 155 Park Road: Townhome Project: Unknown: 8 Units: 1 Story

Pingue Drive
2025- New Residential: 7373 Pingue Drive: Townhome Project: Unknown: 90 Units: 3 Stories

Reliance Street
2025- New Commercial: 7455 Reliance Street: Warehouse Project: Unknown: 2 Stories

Riggins Road
2025- New Residential: 5123 Riggins Road: Riggins Run: Unknown: 362 Units: 3 Stories

Sancus Boulevard
2025- New Residential: 8250 Sancus Boulevard: Apartment Project: Unknown: 36 Units: 3 Stories
Marked Plans – 21345-974 – 1_4_2022

Sunbury Road
2025- New Residential: 5847 Sunbury Road: Residential Development: Unknown: Unknown

Taylor Station Road
2025- New Mixed-Use: 250 Taylor Station Road: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 240 Units: 3 Stories

Tussing Road
2025- New Manufacturing/Office: 6500 Tussing Road: Warehouse Project: Unknown: 1 Story

Winchester Pike
2025- New Mixed-Use: 5720 Winchester Pike: Mixed-Use Project: Unknown: 532 Units: Unknown

Regional Projects

Broadway, Grove City
2025- New Mixed-Use: 3940 Broadway: Broadway Live: Unknown: 200 Units: 6 Stories

Central College Road
2025- New Mixed-Use: 6945 Central College Road: Hamlet at Sugar Run: Unknown: 188 Units: Unknown

Columbus Metro Area
2026- New Manufacturing/Office/Other- Central Ohio Area: Amazon Data Centers and Infrastructure: $7.8 Billion
Jersey Twp, Licking County
2032- New Manufacturing: Jersey Township, New Albany: Intel Semiconductor Fab Future Phases: $80-$100 Billion

Projects that have moved beyond the proposal phase of development can be found at the Columbus Development links page.