This page contains before and after photos of other East Side historic buildings in neighborhoods that do not already have specific pages. Only buildings built before 1930 are included, and are organized by street name and address number. Click on any photo for a larger image.
**Last Updated: 10/21/2023- Added to Woodland Avenue.
Existing Historic Buildings
Barrymore Avenue
1. Marie Horlocker House: 2214 Barrymore Avenue: 1928
Baughman Avenue
1. Charles Dillon House: 2592 Baughman Avenue: Around 1910
2. Charles Monett House: 2660 Baughman Avenue: 1919
3. Residential House: 2674 Baughman Avenue: Around 1920
4. Agnes Bruce House: 2686 Baughman Avenue: Around 1918
5. Charles Barr House: 2750 Baughman Avenue: Around 1910
6. Residential House: 2758 Baughman Avenue: 1920
7. Residential House: 2764 Baughman Avenue: Around 1918
Bexvie Avenue
1. Jacob Hicks House: 3462 Bexvie Avenue: 1926
Brentnell Avenue
1. Flora Henry House: 1528 Brentnell Avenue: 1924
Broad Street
1. East Broad Street Apartments: 3339 E. Broad Street: 1929
Cleveland Avenue
1. Mixed-Use Building: 926 Cleveland Avenue: Around 1910: The building was originally a single-family home, but has been modified several times, including to remove the front additions in 2014.
2. Mixed-Use Building: 946 Cleveland Avenue: Around 1910
3. Sale-Ruddy House: 4003 Cleveland Avenue: Around 1910
Dartmouth Avenue
1. August Ruetty House: 2108 Dartmouth Avenue: 1926

Photo taken in 1957.

Photo taken in 2019.
2. Bernice Stoker House: 2133 Dartmouth Avenue: 1927

Photo taken in 1957.

Photo taken in 2019.
3. William McDaniel House: 2146 Dartmouth Avenue: 1927

Photo taken in 1957.

Photo taken in 2019.
4. Pauline Selig House: 2150 Dartmouth Avenue: 1926

Photo taken in 1956.

Photo taken in 1956.
5. Nelson Dysart House: 2155 Dartmouth Avenue: 1927

Photo taken in 1958.

Photo taken in 2019.
6. Benjamin Griser House: 2225 Dartmouth Avenue: 1928

Photo taken in 1955.

Photo taken in 2022.
Fifth Avenue
1. Crescent Cleaners: 870-872 E. 5th Avenue: 1919
2. Harry Schmidt House: 924 E. 5th Avenue: 1925
3. Residential Building: 2080-2090 E. 5th Avenue: 1929
4. Mary Robbins House: 2223-2225 E. 5th Avenue: 1924
5. Willis Spotts House: 2229-2231 E. 5th Avenue: 1926
6. William Nicholson House: 2249 E. 5th Avenue: 1922
7. Haydu Barnabus House: 2826 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1915
8. Mixed-Use Building: 2906-2910 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1910: The building has been altered several times.
9. Charles Nagle House: 3067 E. 5th Avenue: 1918
10. Charles Raymer House: 3079 E. 5th Avenue: 1920
11. Henry Krumm House: 3086-3088 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1915
12. Harry Carson House: 3121 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1920
13. Carrie Krumm House: 3162 E. 5th Avenue: 1922
14. Frank Lambert House: 3172-3176 E. 5th Avenue: 1926
15. Melvin Krumm House: 3262 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1900
Fourth Avenue
1. Frederick Song House: 613 E. 4th Avenue: 1920
2. Leroy Gibson House: 625 E. 4th Avenue: 1922
3. Ellen O’Reilly House: 631 E. 4th Avenue: 1922
4. John Stoddart House: 637-639 E. 4th Avenue: 1915
5. Residential House: 652 E. 4th Avenue: 1915
6. Guiseppe Notturniano House: 855-857 E. 4th Avenue: 1923
7. Dominico Golasante House: 900-902 E. 4th Avenue: 1926
Margaret Avenue
1. Lydian Strawser House: 2119-2121 Margaret Avenue: 1927
Mecca Road
1. Josephine Burck House: 2047 Mecca Road: 1928
2. Clara Melhollin House: 2051 Mecca Road: 1928
Milford Avenue
1. Charles Blackburn House: 2541 Milford Avenue: 1922
Noe Bixby Road
1. Eli Noe House: 2829 Noe Bixby Road: 1920
Perdue Avenue
1. Alexander Bruce House: 2659 Perdue Avenue: Around 1900
2. Laura Davis House: 2671 Perdue Avenue: 1920
3. George Hecker House: 2684 Perdue Avenue: Around 1915
4. Alonzo Searles House: 2806 Perdue Avenue: 1927
5. May Jacoby House: 2820 Perdue Avenue: 1924
6. George Moor House: 2887 Perdue Avenue: 1929
Preston Road
1. Edward Lerch House: 159 Preston Road: 1913
Second Avenue
1. Mary Keefe House: 611 E. 2nd Avenue: 1889
Seventh Avenue
1. Stanley Buyko House: 2948 E. 7th Avenue: 1926
Sidney Street
1. Earle Hoopman House: 1084 Sidney Street: 1926
2. John Shirley House: 1088 Sidney Street: 1920
3. Maggie Carson House: 1112 Sidney Street: Around 1915
4. Maria Schirtzinger House: 1116 Sidney Street: 1919
5. Richard Conrad House: 1141 Sidney Street: 1918
6. Charles Wood House: 1176 Sidney Street: 1928
7. Residential House: 1188 Sidney Street: 1929
Sixth Avenue
1. Nellie Camden House: 2750 E. 6th Avenue: Around 1900
St. Clair Avenue
1. Nicholas Panzone House: 804-806 St. Clair Avenue: 1913
2. Luigi Bevilacqua House: 949-951 St. Clair Avenue: 1922
3. Clarence Shoemaker House: 1212 St. Clair Avenue: 1911
Sunbury Road
1. Christian Heyl House: 1891 Sunbury Road: 1857: This home was used in the Underground Railroad.
Tenth Avenue
1. John Aldrich House: 2801 E. 10th Avenue: Around 1920
Westerville Road
1. Zenus Jackson House: 3845 Westerville Road: 1856: Built on top of ancient earthworks, which are still vaguely visible today.
Woodland Avenue
1. Lawrence Sager House: 2682 Woodland Avenue: 1926
Woodward Avenue
1. Catherine Hardin House: 2109 Woodward Avenue: 1927
2. Hazel Davis House: 2123 Woodward Avenue: 1929
3. Charles Borden House: 2173 Woodward Avenue: 1927
4. Albert Crayton House: 2250 Woodward Avenue: 1920
5. Residential House: 2255 Woodward Avenue: 1927
Demolished Historic Buildings
Avalon Place
1. Bertha Saltz House: 2085 Avalon Place: Around 1900-2014: Demolished by the City due to poor condition.
Bexvie Avenue
1. Residential House: 3475 Bexvie Avenue: Around 1920-1973: Demolished to build the existing apartment complex.
Bonham Avenue
1. Residential House: 1038 Bonham Avenue: Around 1910-1960s: The exact demolition date is unclear, but it occurred to build the current apartment complex on the site. Unfortunately, the auditor site does not list its construction date.
2. Residential House: 1155 Bonham Avenue: Around 1910-1970s: The exact date for the demolition is unknown, but old aerials show it existing as late as 1971, but gone by 1980. The purpose of the demolition seems to have been the expansion of industrial businesses south of Bonham Avenue. The site today remains industrial.
Cleveland Avenue
1. Mixed-Use Building: 936-940 Cleveland Avenue: 1926-1981: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site has been vacant ever since.
2. Mixed-Use Building: 1068-1070 Cleveland Avenue: Around 1925-2002: Demolished to build the fast food outlet that still exists.
3. Miles Mayhugh House: 1150 Cleveland Avenue: Around 1910-1981: and David Jenkins House: 1154 Cleveland Avenue: Around 1910-1981: Btoh seemed to have been demolished due to condition. The sites have been vacant since demolition.
4. Residential Building: 1173 Cleveland Avenue: 1924-2015: Demolished due to poor condition. The site remains vacant.
5. Oclid Roberts House: 1183 Cleveland Avenue: 1921-2012: Demolished due to poor condition.
6. Christopher Shoemaker House: 1192 Cleveland Avenue: 1849-1962 : Had the home sat closer to Cleveland Avenue instead of far back, it may have survived. Unfortunately, it stood in the way of I-71 and the location is essentially where the highway is now, behind the sound barrier in the recent photo.
Cumberland Street
1. William Schaub House: 667 Cumberland Street: Around 1910-1978: Unknown reason for demolition, but may have been due to condition. The site remains vacant.
2. Nellie Van Allen House: 671 Cumberland Street: Around 1910-1972: Unknown reason for demolition, but may have been due to condition. The site remains vacant.
Essex Avenue
1. William Smith House: 1413 Essex Avenue: Around 1910-1995: Unknown reason for demolition. The site has remained vacant.
2. Isabella Venneman House: 1417 Essex Avenue: Around 1910-1990: Unknown reason for demolition. The site has remained vacant.
Fifth Avenue
1. Residential House: 625 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1910-1967: Demolished for a new business. Today the site is mostly parking.
2. Residential House: 699 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1910-1962: Demolished to build I-71.
3. Residential House: 724 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1900-1962: Demolished to build I-71.
4. Residential House: 759-761 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1900-1962: Demolished to build I-71.
5. Residential House: 801 E. 5th Avenue: 1925-1962: Demolished to build a gas station. Today the site is fast food.
6. Residential Houses: 802-808 E. 5th Avenue: Both between 1900-1905 to 1970: Unknown reasons for demolition. The site is still vacant.
7. Residential House: 807 E. 5th Avenue: 1925-1962: Demolished for a gas station.
8. Residential House: 869-871 E. 5th Avenue: 1924-2015: Unknown reasons for demolition.
9. Residential House 905 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1920-1961: Unknown reasons for demolition. The lot remains vacant.
10. Residential House: 2198 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1925-1976: Unknown reasons for demolition. The site is now green space.
11. Residential House: 2202 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1925-1976: Unknown reasons for demolition. The site is now green space.
12. Residential House: 2218 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1925-1976: Unknown reasons for demolition. The site is now green space.
13. William Eckenrode House: 2239 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1900-1975: Demolished for a parking lot for the adjacent church.
14. Amanda Ogden House: 2276 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1910-2003: The home suffered damage in a fire sometime in the late 1990s or very early 2000s, which almost certainly led to its demolition. The site remains vacant.
15. Lewis Smith House: 2280 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1910-1976: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site seems to now be used as a side yard for 2286 E. 5th.
16. Mixed-Use Building: 2893 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1910-1976: Demolished for unknown reasons. In 1976, the building was purchased by a Ralson Industries Inc., but it’s unclear if they demolished the building or if it was demolished prior to purchase. The site remains vacant.
17. Raymond Untereiner House: 3194 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1910-1976: Unknown reasons for demolition. The site remains vacant.
18. William Keller House: 3294 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1910-Around 1968: Demolished to build the existing apartment complex.
19. Residential House: 3306 E. 5th Avenue: Around 1910-Around 1985: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site remains vacant.
Fourth Avenue
1. William Haines House: 622 E. 4th Avenue: Around 1910-1992: Demolished to build another house on the site, which still exists.
2. Emmet Dow House: 659-661 E. 4th Avenue: Around 1920-1975: Unknown reasons for demolition. The site didn’t have another house until 2003.
3. Gertrude Stephens House: 816-818 E. 4th Avenue: 1923-2018: Demolition presumably due to condition. A new house was completed there in 2019. No updated photo of the new home exists yet.
Johnstown Road
1. Residential House: 2588 Johnstown Road: Around 1890-1978: Demolished for new development.
2. Residential House: 2661 Johnstown Road: Around 1900-1987: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site now has newer development.
3. Residential House: 2774 Johnstown Road: Around 1910-Around 1985: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site remains vacant.
4. Residential House: 2901 Johnstown Road: Around 1920-1993: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site is vacant.
Loew Street
1. Mike Solazzo House: 933 N. Loew Street: 1924-1982: Unknown reasons for demolition, but may have been for a business expansion. The site is mostly used for parking.
Morse Road
1. Residential House: 2812 Morse Road: Around 1920-1982: Demolished for the current development.
Nelson Road
1. William Shepard House: 790 N. Nelson Road: 1855-10/7/1981: The house was lost due to a severe fire. The site is now occupied by a church.
Perdue Avenue
1. Joseph Brockmeyer House: 2699 Perdue Avenue: Around 1915-2013: Demolished likely due to condition. The lot remains vacant.
2. Louis Volz House: 2705 Perdue Avenue: Around 1900-2012: Demolished due to condition. The lot remains vacant.
Sidney Street
1. Residential House: 1097 Sidney Street: 1920-1962: Demolished to make way for I-71, though the site itself does not sit in the highway’s path.
2. Kelly Coleman House: 1111-1113 Sidney Street: 1919-1998: Unknown reasons for demolition. The site remains vacant.
St. Clair Avenue
1. Angelo Salini House: 802 St. Clair Avenue: Around 1905-2012: Demolished due to poor condition. The lot remains vacant.
2. Mixed-Use Building: 807-809 St. Clair Avenue: Around 1910-2007: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site is now part of Milo-Grogan park and recreation center.
3. Mixed-Use Building: 883-885 St. Clair Avenue: Around 1910-1987: Demolished for unknown reasons. The site is now a parking lot.
4. Residential House: 892-896 St. Clair Avenue: Around 1910-Around 1975: Demolished to expand parking for the adjacent church.