This page has before and after photos of other West Side historic buildings in areas not already included in the Franklinton, 5thxNW, Hilltop, Upper Arlington and Grandview Heights pages. Only buildings constructed before 1930 are included. Click on an photo for a larger image.
**Last Updated: 4/5/2022- added to Brookside Boulevard.
Existing Historic Buildings
Arlington Avenue
1. Ralph Munk House: 1430 Arlington Avenue: 1925
2. Mary Bellows House: 1449 Arlington Avenue: Around 1910
3. Harry Zavitz House: 1450 Arlington Avenue: 1918
4. Lewis Anderson House: 1490 Arlington Avenue: Around 1910
5. McKender Smith House: 1520 Arlington Avenue: 1913
6. Frank Wolf House: 1542 Arlington Avenue: 1923
Brown Road
1. Dudley Cameron House: 1986 Brown Road: 1929
Dublin Road
1. Samuel Davis House: 4264 Dublin Road: 1814
Dyer Road
1. John Brown House: 1571 Dyer Road: 1879
Harrisburg Pike
1. Robert Sheeders House: 1899 Harrisburg Pike: 1926
2. Elmer Swain House: 1982 Harrisburg Pike: 1919
Hayden Run Road
1. Anson Davis House: 4900 Hayden Run Road: 1845
Demolished Historic Buildings
Brookside Boulevard
1. Leslie Blosser House: 3506 Brookside Boulevard: 1929-2017: Demolished due to poor condition. The site remains vacant.
Midland Avenue
1. Residential House: 2415 Midland Avenue: Around 1910-2015: Demolished for unknown reasons, but likely due to poor condition. The site remains vacant.
Riverside Drive
1. Amaziah Hutchinson House: 5292 Riverside Drive: 1821-11/20/2013: Demolished to build Berkeley House apartment complex.
The entirety of the local historic building database can be found here.