Columbus City School Information

Local school information Columbus, Ohio

I’ve chronicled local school and education history, but what is the state of the modern Columbus City School District? What are the demographics of the district and schools, how do individual schools perform on state education report cards? All Columbus City school information such as this- and more- is provided here.

Because there are many schools within the district, the full data will be provided in PDF or file format. Most data comes from the Columbus City Schools website.

**Last Updated: 9/24/2024- Updated enrollment data through 9/1/2024.

Columbus City Schools Enrollment on 9/1/2024: 47,240
District Enrollment Change Since 9/1/2023: +2,258

Top 10 Schools for Enrollment As of 9/1/2024
1. Northland High School: 987
2. Whetstone High School: 963
3. Briggs High School: 903
4. South High School: 862
5. Independence High School: 833
6. Woodward Park Middle School: 824
7. West High School: 812
8. Columbus Alternative High School: 810
9. Mifflin High School: 769
10. Linden-McKinley STEM: 766

All Columbus School Enrollment

Top 15 School Enrollment Increases 9/1/2023-9/1/2024
1. Independence High School: +191
2. Mifflin High School: +99
3. Sherwood Middle School: +95
4. Fairmoor Elementary School: +86
5. Northland High School: +78
6. Valley Forge Elementary School: +77
7. Innis Elementary School: +75
8. Columbus International School: +74
9. Walnut Ridge High School: +74
10. Windsor STEM Academy: +74
11. Columbus Global Academy: +73
12. Salem Elementary School: +73
13. Berwick Alternative: +70
14. World Language Middle School: +68
15. Easthaven Elementary School: +65
16. Trevitt Elementary School: +65

Top 15 School Enrollment Decreases 9/1/2023-9/1/2024
1. Fort Hayes Career Center: -655
2. Columbus Online Academy: -226
3. Beechcroft High School: -52
4. Eastmoor Academy: -35
5. Centennial High School: -23
6. Weinland Park Elementary School: -23
7. Briggs High School: -22
8. Gables Elementary School: -18
9. Duxberry Park Elementary School: -15
10. Ridgeview Middle School: -11
11. Cedarwood Elementary School: -8
12. Buckeye Middle School: -7
13. Columbus Preperatory School for Girls: -7
14. Northgate Intermediate School: -7
15. Ohio Elementary School: -7

Columbus District Demographics

Top 10 Schools with the Highest % of Male Students as of 9/1/2023
1. Columbus Preparatory School for Boys: 100
2. Beatty Park Elementary School: 86.7
3. Columbus Scioto 6-12: 82.2
4. Linden Park ECEC: 74.4
5. Special Education Tracking: 73.2
6. Columbus Gifted Academy: 61.9
7. Valleyview Elementary School: 60.6
8. Cranbrook Elementary School: 60.0
9. Johnson Park Middle School: 59.9
10. Lindbergh Elementary School: 59.3

Columbus City Schools Overall % of Male Students: 51.6

Top 10 Schools with the Highest % of Female Students
1. Columbus Preparatory School for Girls: 100
2. Columbus Downtown High School: 63.8
3. Columbus Alternative High School: 58.5
4. Fort Hayes Arts and Academic High School: 57.1
5. Stewart Alternative Elementary School: 56.4
6. World Language Middle School: 54.2
7. Fort Hayes Career Center: 54.1
8. West Mound Elementary School: 54.0
9. Alpine Elementary School: 53.9
10. Columbus Africentric Early College Middle School: 53.6

Columbus City Schools Overall % of Female Students: 48.4

Top 10 Schools with the Highest % of White Students on 4/1/2024
1. Clinton Elementary School: 74.2
2. Ecole Kenwood French Immersion School: 60.1
3. Indian Springs Elementary School: 59.3
4. Indianola Alternative School: 57.8
5. Columbus Gifted Academy: 56.1
6. Parsons Elementary School: 53.0
7. Westgate Elementary School: 52.1
8. Lindbergh Elementary School: 50.0
9. Binns Elementary School: 48.5
10. Dominion Middle School: 45.9

Columbus City Schools Overall % of White Students: 18.7

Top 10 Schools with the Highest % of Black Students on 4/1/2024
1. Columbus Africentric Early College High School: 92.9
2. Columbus Africentric Early College Elementary: 92.6
3. Columbus Africentric Early College Middle School: 92.6
4. Eastmoor Academy: 89.1
5. Trevitt Elementary School: 87.1
6. Berwick Alternative: 84.1
7. Fairwood Elementary School: 83.2
8. East High School: 82.9
9. South Mifflin STEM: 82.2
10. Windsor STEM Academy: 81.1

Columbus City Schools Overall % of Black Students: 52.4

Top 10 Schools with the Highest % of Asian Students on 4/1/2024
1. Gables Elementary School: 21.1
2. Cranbrook Elementary School: 19.4
3. Valley Forge Elementary School: 13.2
4. Ridgeview Middle School: 10.6
5. Northland High School: 8.5
6. Woodward Park Middle School: 7.9
7. Cassady Elementary School: 7.4
8. Avalon Elementary School: 7.2
9. Forest Park Elementary School: 7.1
10. North Linden Elementary School: 7.0

Columbus City Schools Overall % of Asian Students: 2.6

Top 10 Schools with the Highest % of Hispanic Students on 4/1/2024
1. Columbus Global Academy: 70.4
2. Siebert Elementary School: 64.0
3. Columbus Spanish Immersion Academy: 54.5
4. World Language Middle School: 54.3
5. Columbus International High School: 54.2
6. Scottwood Elementary School: 45.6
7. Devonshire Elementary School: 40.5
8. East Columbus Elementary School: 37.4
9. Valleyview Elementary School: 36.6
10. Wedgewood Middle School: 35.4

Columbus City Schools Overall % of Hispanic Students: 17.8

Top 10 Schools with the Highest % of Multiracial/Other Students on 4/1/2024
1. West Mound Elementary School: 16.8
2. Duxberry Park Elementary School: 16.5
3. West Broad Elementary School: 15.9
4. Westgate Elementary School: 15.6
5. Westmoor Middle School: 15.6
6. Cedarwood Elementary School: 15.4
7. Lindbergh Elementary School: 15.4
8. Oakland Park Elementary School: 15.1
9. Leawood Elementary School: 15.0
10. Indian Springs Elementary School: 14.4

Columbus City Schools Overall % of Multiracial/Other Students: 8.5

Columbus School Demographics

Top 10 Schools with the Best Attendance Rates 2022-2023 School Year
1. Ecole Kenwood French Immersion School: 92.5
2. Clinton Elementary School: 92.4
3. Fort Hayes Career Center: 92.4
4. Indian Springs Elementary School: 91.3
5. Gables Elementary School: 91.0
6. Indianola Alternative School: 91.0
7. Devonshire Elementary School: 90.8
8. Parkmoor Elementary School: 90.8
9. Columbus Spanish Immersion Academy: 90.9
10. Northgate Intermediate School: 90.3

Top 10 Schools with the Lowest Attendance Rates 2022-2023 School Year
1. Columbus Scioto 6-12: 56.6
2. East High School: 60.8
3. West High School: 63.8
4. Linden-McKinley STEM: 64.0
5. Columbus Global Academy: 64.2
6. Columbus Online Academy: 69.1
7. Walnut Ridge High School: 69.1
8. South High School: 69.2
9. Briggs High School: 70.4
10. Mifflin High School: 71.3

Columbus City Schools Overall Attendance Rate 2022-2023 School Year: 82.5%
Change from 2021-2022: +2.4

Attendance Rate- All Schools

Graduation Rates for All High Schools 2022-2023 School Year
1. Columbus Africentric Early College High School: 100
2. Fort Hayes Arts and Academic High School: 96.9
3. Columbus Alternative High School: 96.8
4. Eastmoor Academy: 92.1
5. Centennial High School: 90.7
6. Northland High School: 86.1
7. Walnut Ridge High School: 82.5
8. Beechcroft High School: 81.1
9. Columbus International High School: 78.6
10. Marion-Franklin High School: 77.5
11. South High School: 76.8
12. Whetstone High School: 74.2
13. East High School: 74.3
14. Mifflin High School: 73.6
15. Independence High School: 71.4
16. Briggs High School: 70.4
17. West High School: 58.5
18. Linden-McKinley STEM Academy: 57.5
19. Columbus Scioto 6-12: 50.0

Columbus City Schools Overall High School Graduation Rate: 78.4%
Change from 2021-2022: -1.3

Schools with the Highest Ohio Report Card Scores 2022-2023
The scores are based on the average of several different categories, with 1 being the lowest score and 5 being the highest. The schools listed here had a score of 3 or higher.
Colerain Elementary School: 4.0
Columbus Alternative High School: 4.0
Clinton Elementary School: 3.75
Ecole Kenwood French Immersion School: 3.75
Indian Springs Elementary School: 3.75
Cranbrook Elementary School: 3.5
South Mifflin STEM Academy: 3.5
Alpine Elementary School: 3.33
Northgate Intermediate: 3.33
Ridgeview Middle School: 3.33
Sherwood Middle School: 3.33
Woodward Park Middle School: 3.33
Binns Elementary School: 3.25
Cedarwood Elementary School: 3.25
Indianola Alternative School: 3.25
Oakmont Elementary School: 3.25
Berwick Alternative: 3.0
Lindbergh Elementary School: 3.0
Parkmoor Elementary School: 3.0
Valleyview Elementary School: 3.0
Westgate Elementary School: 3.0
Winterset Elementary School: 3.0

On the opposite end, here are all the schools that scored 1.5 or lower.
Marion-Franklin High School: 1.25
Northland High School: 1.25
West High School: 1.25
Hilltonia Middle School: 1.33
Westmoor Middle School: 1.33
Avondale Elementary School: 1.5
Briggs High School: 1.5
Columbus Online Academy: 1.5
Columbus Scioto 6-12: 1.5
Duxberry Park Elementary School: 1.5
East High School: 1.5
Innis Elementary School: 1.5
Linden-McKinley STEM: 1.5
South High School: 1.5
Weinland Park Elementary School: 1.5

The average school score for the whole district for 2022-2023 was 2.29.