Random Columbus Photos 3

This Random Columbus Photos 3 edition looks at a Downtown icon, the Columbus Athletic Club..

Photo Date: November 1, 1914
Location: 136 E. Broad Street
Random Columbus photos 3

The photo shows the ongoing excavation of the Columbus Athletic Club. It was conceived a few years prior as a social club by a group of wealthy Columbus businessmen in 1912. The organization was originally housed in the Atlas Building at Gay and High, but the club wanted their own building. Construction began in early 1914, and the 6-story building was dedicated in 1915. The 100-year-old institution, now on the National Register of Historic Places, looks pretty much the same as it did when it was first built, and it remains a private club to this day. Over the years, the club has had many prominent members, including politicians and even a president, Warren G. Harding.